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Canada Geese Abatement, Hunting & Permits


Abatement (non-lethal harassment) techniques are used to frighten and discourage geese from using a property. They are non-lethal and are legal to use on Canada geese without possessing a federal or state permit as long as geese are not injured, touched, or handled by a person, dog, or other equipment. Different abatement methods can entail audial, visual, and physical techniques so long as local ordinances are being followed.

Abatement techniques will only be as effective as the amount of effort employed. Abatement techniques must be used repetitively each time geese appear on your property to be successful. Techniques should be used as soon as Canada geese appear on a property because they are much more difficult to frighten after they feel comfortable in an area.

The following techniques may be used to abate geese, where safe and legal to do so. Check local ordinances and laws before using any of them.

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