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Blight Clearance Program

The Blight Clearance Program encourages communities with blighted properties to focus on long-term community development and revitalization through improving quality of place, generating jobs, and spurring economic revitalization. Eligible projects include the removal of deteriorated or abandoned downtown buildings or vacant/unusable industrial sites. 

Closeout and Five Year Monitoring Period
Pursuant to 24 CFR 570.489 property that has been acquired or improved in whole or in part using CDBG funds may not change the use of such property for a period of five (5) years after closeout unless they go through a change in use process. Any change in use must remain an eligible activity under CDBG. To comply with this regulation, OCRA will monitor all grants made under the Blight Clearance Program (BCP) 2.0 for the five (5) year period following closeout of a project. If the community plans to change the use of a property within that five (5) year period, they must submit a request to OCRA in writing prior to making any change and go through the change in use process. All projects changed to an ineligible activity under CDBG the grant will have to repay all or part of the grant funds.