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Archived Workshop Presentations

The following tables include Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) presentations from the most recent IHCP Roadshow and IHCP Works seminar.

The information in the PDFs and recordings linked below was up to date at the time it was presented. Changes to policies and procedures are announced in IHCP provider Bulletins, and are incorporated into IHCP reference materials as those materials are revised.

IHCP Roadshow Presentations (Spring 2024)

Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (OMPP) Presentations

Business Partner Presentations

IHCP Works Presentations (Fall 2023)

Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) Presentations

Gainwell Technologies Presentations

Acentra Health (Formerly Kepro) Presentations

Anthem Presentations

CareSource Presentations

MDwise Presentations

Managed Health Services (MHS) Presentations

UnitedHealthcare Presentations

Provider News & Events

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