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IHCP Quick Hits

The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) offers short informational videos on a variety of topics of particular interest and concern to providers. New videos will be added to this IHCP Quick Hits page as they become available.

Watch this video to learn more about the Attendant Care Service (ATTC)
and what is needed to become a provider.

More resources:

This video includes instructions documenting proper billing guidance
for Legally Responsible Individuals (LRIs).

Acentra Health (formerly Kepro) is the new fee-for-service (FFS) prior authorization and utilization management (PA-UM) contractor for IHCP nonpharmacy services as of July 1, 2023. Watch this video to learn more.

By following the tips in this video, you can ensure that your provider enrollment transactions are completed seamlessly.

Watch this video for helpful tips on navigating the IHCP Provider website and using search features for provider references.

Incorrectly filling out box 33 on the CMS-1500 claim form causes several claim denials each year. Ensure that you are filling out this box correctly so your claims don't deny!

Federal law requires personal care service and home health service providers use electronic visit verification (EVV) to document services rendered. Watch this video to learn more about what this means for you.

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