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IHCP Programs and Services

Indiana Medicaid provides a healthcare safety net to over one million Hoosiers who are aged, disabled, blind, pregnant or meet other eligibility requirements. The programs and services offered are incorporated under the umbrella of the Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP). Healthcare benefits are administered through two delivery systems – the fee-for-service (FFS) delivery system or the managed care delivery system. Providers will learn a member’s enrollment status and benefit plan assignment by verifying the member’s IHCP eligibility for each date of service.

What Is Covered by Indiana Medicaid

The benefits available under Indiana Medicaid are based on the member's eligibility category. Find a general description of the benefits available through Indiana Medicaid (other than the Healthy Indiana Plan) on the What is Covered by Indiana Medicaid webpage.

Managed Care

Most IHCP members receive services through the managed care delivery system. Under managed care, members are enrolled in a health plan with a managed care entity (MCE) that is responsible for the members’ healthcare services. Each MCE maintains its own provider network, provider services unit and member services unit for the health plans they offer. The MCE authorizes services, pays claims and is responsible for subrogation activities. All providers wanting to offer services to members enrolled in managed care programs must first enroll with the IHCP and then contract one or more MCEs to deliver services to their members.

Programs that operate under the managed care delivery system include:


The fee-for-service (FFS) delivery system reimburses providers on a per-service basis. Generally, members seek services from IHCP providers of their choice. The IHCP maintains centralized administrative oversight of the provider network and the associated provider and member services. Providers bill the appropriate IHCP claim-processing contractor for services rendered as follows:

  • Optum Rx for pharmacy services
  • Verida for nonemergency medical transportation services (NEMT)
  • Gainwell Technologies for all other services

Programs or benefit plans that operate under the FFS delivery system include:

*Note: MRO and HCBS benefit plans are available to eligible members as an add-on to their primary coverage plan. Managed care members may be approved to receive MRO or HCBS 1915(i) benefits; however, these services are carved out of the managed care delivery system and reimbursed as FFS for all eligible members. HCBS 1915(c) waiver benefits are available only to FFS members – with the exception of the Indiana PathWays for Aging Waiver, which is available as a managed care benefit to qualifying members enrolled in the Indiana PathWays for Aging program.

**Note: Two of the Medicare Savings Programs – Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) and Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) – may be provided either as a stand-alone benefit or as an add-on to the Traditional Medicaid or Indiana PathWays for Aging programs. When provided in conjunction with PathWays, QMB and SLMB are reimbursed under the managed care delivery system.

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