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Provider Education Opportunities

The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) offers the following provider education opportunities. To schedule individualized training, contact a provider relations consultant for your region.

  • 2024 IHCP Works – The IHCP invites providers to attend this three-day IHCP Works annual seminar being held at the Embassy Suites in Plainfield Oct. 8 – Oct. 10, 2024. Visit this page for more information. 
    • Archived Annual Training Presentations – Visit this page to view or download presentations from the previous IHCP Roadshow or IHCP Works training event. PDFs are available for each session that included a slideshow. In some cases, a video recording of the session may also be provided.

  • IHCP Live – The IHCP offers opportunities for providers to learn about new policy initiatives and billing guidance through live-streaming webinars. Check the IHCP Live page for information about upcoming webinars, instructions for accessing webinars and archived presentations from past webinars.

  • IHCP Quick Hits – The IHCP offers short, informational videos on topics of interest to providers. Check back often to view new videos as they become available.

  • Program Integrity Provider Education Training – This page includes links to web-based and instructor-led training focused on specific IHCP services and/or provider specialties. Each training covers topics such as documentation requirements, billing guidelines, and other program integrity- and audit-related issues.

  • Provider Healthcare Portal Training – Web-based training and quick reference guides on the IHCP Provider Healthcare Portal (IHCP Portal) are available from this page. Providers and their designated representatives (known as delegates) can use these resources to learn about the many features available on the IHCP Portal and make the most of their portal experience.

  • Presumptive Eligibility Qualified Provider Training – Providers interested in becoming qualified providers (QPs) for Presumptive Eligibility (PE) can complete an enrollment application and the required attestations online through the IHCP Portal. After completing the application and attestations via the portal, providers can contact IHCP Provider Relations to arrange training. See this page for more information, including PE training presentations.

  • ADA 2012 Dental Claim Form Presentation – IHCP dental providers should refer to this training presentation for guidance on using the American Dental Association (ADA) 2012 Dental Claim Form.

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