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Superload Escorts

A Superload is any vehicle (plus its load) which exceeds the following weights and dimensions:

  • Width exceeding 17 feet
  • Height exceeding 15 feet
  • Length exceeding 110 feet
  • Weight exceeding 108,000 pounds

Superload Permits & Indiana State Police Escort

  1. Order the permit from IDOR
  2. Upon notification from IDOR, the carrier must request a Superload Agreement Number from the ISP Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division (CVED), 812-533-1100
  3. Fill out the contract, (below) attach a copy of the permit and slowdowns, and fax to the CVED at 812-533-1344
  4. CVED will set up an escort date within 72 hours

Download the ISP Superload Escort Agreement.

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