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College Safety Tips

College students returning to campus means one thing – freedom from Mom and Dad. However, freedom comes with responsibilities, and the risks college students often take have consequences. To help protect college students, the Indiana State Police offer safety tips to keep students safe in the residence halls, on campus or whenever they are alone.

In the residence halls:
*  Keep your dorm room door locked whenever the room is unoccupied, if you are in the room alone or if you are sleeping.
*  Take care of your keys. Don’t give anyone the opportunity to duplicate them and never leave a key over the door or nearby your room.
*  Don’t leave valuables, like your wallet, checkbook or jewelry, in open view.
*  Keep drapes closed when changing clothes.

While walking on campus:
*  Never walk or jog alone at night. Should you find yourself walking alone at night, avoid secluded or dimly lit areas. Stay away from wooded areas or locations where shrubs or buildings might provide cover for assailants.
*  Never hitchhike or offer rides to strangers.
*  Have your car or house key in hand and ready as you approach your vehicle or home.

Protect yourself:
*  Trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable in a place or situation, leave.
*  Always be alert to your surroundings.
*  Don’t become a victim of identity theft.  Don’t give out personal information about yourself.
*  Learn to communicate the message that you’re calm, confident and know where you are going. Stand tall, walk purposefully and make quick eye contact with people around you.

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