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Case Number 31F5953

Timothy Willoughby

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Race: Caucasian

County: Morgan

Location of Offense: White Lick Creek at the end of Sycamore Lane in Mooresville

Circumstances: Timothy Willoughby and Mary Ann Higginbotham were last seen on 06/06/1978. On 06/05/1979 the body of Mary Ann Higginbotham was found in a 55 gallon drum in White Lick Creek in Mooresville. The victim had been shot in the back of the head. Police believe Mary Ann Higginbotham was murdered at her home in Clayton then put in the barrel which was placed in White Lick Creek. Her boyfriend, Timothy Willoughby also went missing at the same time. Willoughby’s body has never been found but police believe he died the same day as Mary Ann Higginbotham.

Anyone with information concerning any of these cases, please contact:

Indiana State Police
District Investigative Commander
8620 E. 21st Street
Indianapolis, IN 46219
1.317.899.8577 or 1.800.582.8440