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Case Number 52-23849

Johanna Weaver

Age: 29

Sex: Female

Race: Black

County: Marion

Location of Offense: 190 Feet North & West of 13th Street and Lewis Street

Circumstances: On July 13, 1995, a maintenance crew was mowing grass in the median area commonly referred to as the “north split”. More specifically, 190 feet north and west of 13th and Lewis streets in Indianapolis. The maintenance crew discovered a decomposed human body under debris. The victim was later positively identified as Johanna Weaver, a Brightwood neighborhood resident and mother of two.

Anyone with information concerning any of these cases, please contact:

Indiana State Police
District Investigative Commander
8620 E. 21st Street
Indianapolis, IN 46219
1.317.899.8577 or 1.800.582.8440