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Case Number 33F7762


Case Date: 03/13/1981

Age: 31

Sex: Male

Race: Caucasian

County: Brown

Location of Offense: Shepherdsville, Kentucky

Circumstances:  The body of Douglas Hedrick was located on 03/13/981, in his burnt vehicle, a green 1972 Chevy Blazer, near Shepherdsville, Kentucky.  An autopsy revealed the victim was shot multiple times.  The investigation revealed that the victim was likely shot and killed in Indiana, possibly in the Unionville area where he lived, and then transported to a rural area in Kentucky where he and the vehicle were burned.

Anyone with information concerning any of these cases, please contact:

Indiana State Police
District Investigative Commander
1500 North Packinghouse Road
Suite 200
Bloomington, IN 47404
1.812.332.4411 or 1.800.423.1286