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Case Number 33-19025

Bryan E. Haltom

Case Date: 07/17/1996

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Race: Caucasian

County: Owen

Location of Offense: US 231, .8 miles north of SR 46 in Spencer, IN

Circumstances: On July 17, 1996, at approximately 12:45 am, Bryan Haltom and Trevor Powell were northbound on US 231 in Haltom's Pontiac Trans AM. Haltom and Powell had engaged in a rolling, verbal altercation with an unknown motorist. Haltom stopped his vehicle in the northbound lane of US 231 and the unknown vehicle stopped behind. According to Powell, Haltom exited his vehicle and walked back to the unknown motorist and as he approached the driver's door of that vehicle, a shot was fired from the vehicle striking Haltom. Haltom died as a result of that wound. Powell described the unknown vehicle as a small dark red or maroon import/type vehicle with a possible license plate prefix of "55." Powell stated after the shot was fired the driver of the unknown vehicle turned the vehicle around and sped southbound on US 231.

Anyone with information concerning any of these cases, please contact:

Indiana State Police
District Investigative Commander
1500 North Packinghouse Road
Suite 200
Bloomington, IN 47404
1.812.332.4411 or 1.800.423.1286