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OSHA Workplace Requirements for Respirators

General Use of Respirators (N95s)

Indiana OSHA does not have jurisdiction over safety and health matters for the general public. General individual daily use of an N95 mask (or equivalent) outside the workplace would not fall under IOSHA's authority. For more information about general use of respirators such as N95 masks, please visit the CDC’s webpage regarding Different Types of Masks and Respirators.

Workplace Use of Respirators (N95s)

Voluntary Use

Where respirators are not required but are permitted in the workplace, the employer must determine that the use of the respirator will not create a greater hazard. If the employer determines that any voluntary respirator use is acceptable, the employer must provide users with the information contained in Appendix D of OSHA’s Respiratory Protection Standard (29 CFR 1910.134).

As a best practice, the employer should maintain a copy of the signed Appendix D for each employee who voluntarily wears a respirator to demonstrate it has met its obligations under the standard.

Required Use

If the employer determines that use of a respirator is required to protect employees from a known workplace exposure, the full requirements of OSHA’s respiratory protection standard become applicable. These include developing and implementing a written respiratory protection program, providing training, conducting medical evaluation and fit-testing, etc.

For more information, please visit OSHA’s Respiratory Protection E-tool or contact INSafe at by email at or by phone at (317) 232-2688.