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Indiana Big Tree Register

The Big Tree Registry, a list of the largest known specimen of each native tree species in Indiana that the DNR Division of Forestry periodically compiles and posts, has been updated. You may now also begin nominating new trees.

Big Tree Register

Nomination Form

Suggest a candidate for the Big Tree Register.


Interactive Map

Find the locations of the current tree champions.


To qualify for the register, a tree requires three measurements to be recorded:

  • trunk circumference, in inches, at 4 1/2 feet above the ground
  • total height, in feet
  • average crown spread, in feet.

The total size of a tree is calculated using this formula: circumference + height + 1/4 average crown spread. The individual tree of each Indiana native tree species with the highest total points is Indiana's champion. All nominations will be reviewed as received, but only the nominations with the highest scores will be verified.

We are accepting nominations for all tree species as well as the following species that do not have a current champion:

  • Canada Plum (Prunus nigra)
  • Umbrella Magnolia (Magnolia tripetala)

Tips for nominating

For more information, contact the Community and Urban Forestry Program at 317-234-4386 or email

Big Tree Tours

DNR is now offering Big Tree Tours of state champion and heritage trees to the public. This addition to the Big Tree Register emphasizes the importance of celebrating heritage trees, protecting mature trees, and promoting age and species diversity in our forest population. Local historically important trees and state champion trees will be highlighted at each tour.

Current champion list

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