Willow Slough Fish & Wildlife Area provides quality outdoor recreational opportunities and a wide array of habitat types for countless plant and animal species. At the center of the property is the J.C. Murphey Lake and wetland complex. The lake comprises more than 1,200 acres and draws in thousands of waterfowl each year. Renovation on the lake was recently completed. The lake also provides quality fishing opportunities. Rolling dunes, oak savanna, and forest surround the lake.
This year, Willow Slough FWA is celebrating its 75th year of supporting community and wildlife health. The property provides more than 10,000 acres of diverse habitat and ample opportunities for everyone to enjoy the outdoors.
Willow Slough began with the purchase of 7,800 acres in 1949 and is 10,175 acres today. J.C. Murphey Lake was completed in 1951. Parts of Willow Slough were formerly grazed, hayed, and cultivated. A railroad once ran through the property, and portions of an old station can be found in the area.
Most revenues used in land acquisition, development, operation, and maintenance of Willow Slough FWA are derived from the sale of hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses. Funds are also received from the federal Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson programs to aid fish and wildlife restoration. These funds are from taxes on sport hunting, shooting, and fishing equipment. Indiana hunters and anglers are proud to provide this property for the enjoyment of all people.
- Amenities
Modern public restrooms:
- Headquarters (open 24 hours)
- Shooting range (open during range hours)
- Campground (open 24 hours). Campground restrooms available approximately April-October.
Kankakee Sands
Kankakee Sands is 8,400 acres of prairies and wetlands, owned and managed by the Indiana chapter of The Nature Conservancy, a non-profit organization working to create a world where people and nature can thrive.
In December 1996, The Nature Conservancy purchased 7,200 acres of agricultural ground in Newton County. At that time, the Division of Fish & Wildlife provided funding for the acquisition in exchange for the hunting rights on approximately 6,000 of the purchased acres. Hunting rights are administered through Willow Slough FWA. All grounds maintenance and habitat work are performed by TNC staff. View hunting information.
Popular activities
All hunters, range users, and dog runners are required to sign in and obtain the appropriate one-day access permit before entering the field at this property. The one-day permit card must be completed and returned to a self-service booth, drop box, or property office before you leave.
All other visitors are encouraged to obtain a miscellaneous one-day access permit before entering the field. The one-day access permit should be kept with you while visiting, then completed and returned to a self-service booth, drop box, or the office before you leave. The information you provide will help us identify ways to improve Indiana’s FWAs for all users. We appreciate your patience in taking the extra time to complete the permit. Your feedback and comments are valuable to us.
More activities
Other properties managed by this office
- Hunting rights on Kankakee Sands (approximately 6,000 acres)
- Gamebird Habitat Areas (3,845 acres)