Robert J. Kinsey Youth Center
Acting in the best interest of the child, the Robert J. Kinsey Youth Center strives to provide a safe and growth focused environment through the operation of Emergency Shelter Care and Secure Detention. Each program is licensed through the Indiana Department of Child Services or the Indiana Department of Correction. Placement can be arranged throughout the Department of Child Services or Juvenile Probation Department in accordance with the child's Juvenile Court.
Admissions Form
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- Online Admissions Packet (including instructions)
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The Howard Circuit Court, Robert J. Kinsey Youth Center, was established to provide secure detention and non-secure emergency shelter care for those detained or sheltered by the court through wardships. These services will be provided through secure detention, emergency shelter care at both the pre- and post-adjudicatory stages and throughout wardships, post-dispositional secure commit, and direct file.
- We provide for juveniles' basic needs: food, shelter, clothing, medical care, and safety.
- We prevent the abridgment of the juveniles' legal rights during detention and shelter at the facility.
- We provide for the physical, emotional, social, and education screening necessary to meet the individual care plan of the juveniles appropriately.
- We provide for the practice of religious beliefs and spiritual guidance on an individual need basis.
- We house the juvenile in a safe, humane environment, maintaining the level of security ordered by the court and that which is necessary to prevent escape and assure that youth live free of assault or intimidation.
- We provide a source of coordinated community resources that work toward serving the collective best interest of the youth, the family, and the community. These services will be made available during all stages of residency.
- We provide a program for those in residence that positively promotes the growth and maturation of the individual, recognizing individual strengths and limitations.
In this process, the needs of the family system will be assessed, and the program will offer coordinated services to the extended family as the needs of the individual youth are addressed. Incorporated into each care plan will be accountability issues, appropriate skills acquisition, a course of action for future progress, and discharge planning, which will begin at admission
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)
The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) establishes a zero-tolerance standard against sexual assaults and rapes of incarcerated persons. The bill was signed into Public Law 108-79 in September 2003 by President George W. Bush.
PREA sets a standard that protects the Eighth Amendment rights of Federal, State and local prisoners making the prevention of sexual assault a top priority. It also increases the available data on sexual misconduct for administrators who fail to prevent, reduce and punish sexual misconduct and sexual assault.
The Robert J. Kinsey Youth Center supports the investigation of a person who commits acts of sexual misconduct within its facility. The Robert J. Kinsey Youth Center has developed uniform guidelines and procedures to reduce the risk of in-custody sexual assault and sexual activity. The Robert J. Kinsey Youth Center has a zero-tolerance standard for sexual misconduct and sexual assault.
You can learn more about PREA at NICIC.ORG
PREA Reporting
If you were the victim of, or have any information about a sexual assault that has taken place in the Robert J. Kinsey Youth Center, we urge you to report the incident immediately.
All reported incidents will be investigated. You will be contacted but you may still remain anonymous.
Contact Information: DCS HOTLINE: 1.800.800.5556
Emergency Shelter Care Unit
701 S. Berkley Rd.
Kokomo, IN 46901
DFC#33467 34-900901
The ESC accepts non-violent youth that are able to function in a co-ed, group setting. These youth may be alleged offenders or Children In Need of Services (CHINS). Out–of- County residents are accepted as space permits.
Shelter Care is a twenty-five bed, non-secure, co-educational unit licensed by the Indiana Department of Child Services. This highly structured environment is staff secure and provides residents with direct supervision on a 24/7 basis.
For admission to the Emergency Shelter Care Unit, ESC, the following criteria should be met:
- ESC accepts admissions 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
- Admissions paperwork must be completed by the placing agent. The Admissions packet can be located on the Howard County website or by contacting the Robert J. Kinsey Youth Center at 765-457-1408.
- Juveniles must be between the ages of 7-18.
- Residents must be able to function in a co-ed setting.
- Residents are required to attend school either at their home school if a Howard County resident or on grounds for out-of-county residents.
- Medications must be in the original bottle with current prescription orders at the time of admission.
- Medical insurance information must be supplied at time of admission.
- The 20 day residency limit is strictly adhered to per DCS policy. There is a status consult with the placing agency at day 15 to see if they would like ESC to request a waiver of the 20 day limit. Waivers will be filed on a case-by-case basis.
- Juveniles who have an IQ of 70 or lower, have serious acute and/or chronic medical needs, or who are exceptionally aggressive will be accepted on a case by case basis, after review and assessment by internal treatment providers.
- We are not able to care for children who have celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, a shunt, or who have had an organ transplant.
We will not accept care for children who are actively suicidal.
Secure Detention
The Secure Detention Unit is a twenty eight (28) bed coeducational unit designed to provide maximum security for those juveniles deemed in need of secure custody. All placements will meet detention criteria as established by the Indiana Juvenile Code. The charges of running away alone will not be sufficient for Secure Detention.
The general program structure is based on the Positive Peer Culture Model. This program utilizes the positive elements of the powerful peer counterculture to challenge negative behavior and to provide the motivation to develop more socially acceptable behaviors. The program is based on four values; Help, Responsibility, Respect and Trust. In addition, a Behavior Modification level system is also utilized. Residents are able to earn additional privileges as they advance through the level system. Problems solving groups that include residents and directed by the Robert J. Kinsey Youth Center staff, identify problems displayed by group members and develop an action plan to solve these problems.
A Care Plan will be developed and instituted for each resident within two (2) days of the commitment. The Caseworker will consult with the resident, the resident's family and any other appropriate individuals approved by the placing agency to assist with the development of this plan.
A wide variety of program services are offered to meet the individual needs of residents. An individualized education program is available to all residents and is coordinated by a certified teacher from Kokomo-Center School Corporation. Residents must attend classroom sessions five (5) days per week. Each session will last 150 minutes. Residents are transferred to Kokomo-Center School Corporation schools and complete work assigned or continue working on their home school assignments to maintain their academic status. GED preparation and testing is also available.
The recreational program is a part of the resident's daily schedule. Each resident is expected to exercise for a minimum of one (1) hour per day by participating in aerobics, organized games, or walking. An exercise plan will be created for those residents for whom it is deemed necessary.
Nurse call is available seven (7) days a week. Additional services are provided based upon need. Referral to the facility dentist, physician or a local hospital will be made when necessary. Expense is the responsibility of the placing county.
Life skills education is incorporated into the resident's daily schedule. Facilities are available within the Secure Unit for residents to practice basic skills such as laundry, meal and menu planning and food preparation.
A Christian, non-denominational, worship service is held a minimum of once per week and is open to all residents. Attendance at this service is voluntary and residents will not be penalized in any way for not attending. We will respect and attempt to accommodate worship and dietary needs of their faiths. Additional religious consultation can be arranged on an individual basis. Ministers and Youth Pastors from the child's church may schedule a visit at anytime. Each resident will be required to attend a nutrition education class once per month in addition to their regular educational classes. The nutrition class will be coordination by the Staff Dietary Manager.
Each resident will be required to attend a Communicable Disease class once per month in addition to the regular educational classes required. Information regarding AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases will be available from the Howard County Board of Health.
The counseling program will consist of all residents being involved din psychosocial education, drug and alcohol education and other established programs a minimum of once per week. The caseworker is also able to facilitate, as needed, assessments, evaluations and other services through a wealth of resources in Howard County.
The Individual Care Plan / Treatment Plan will be considered a court order and needs to be addressed as such in the commitment order by the Judge. We request that commitment orders state that the respondent is ordered to follow the Care Plan / Treatment Plan as established by the Robert J. Kinsey Youth Center, including the required follow-up programs after release. Failure to complete the Care Plan / Treatment Plan will be reported back to the court for further action and review.
Post-Dispositional Commitment
The Secure Detention Unit of the Robert J. Kinsey Youth Center meets all statutory requirements to provide Post-Dispositional Commitment. All programs and resources provided in the Pre-Dispositional Program are available, as well as, the additional services and programs as court ordered and deemed appropriate in the care plan.
Additionally, the Post-Dispositional Program can be expanded for those youth who are court ordered to the Cognitive Behavioral Change Program (CBC). The secure commitment portion can serve as Phase I of CBC where the juvenile can earn "good time" by having worked his/her individual treatment plan and be moved to Residential Treatment (Phase II) after having served at least fifty percent (50%) of the commitment time. Lack of progress in Phase II can require return to the secure detention unit to complete the original sentence, or a further portion of it, until they are ready to return to Phase II. For further information on CBC, contact the Robert J. Kinsey Youth Center and we will be glad to forward a packet and admission materials.
Kinsey Wellness Policy on Physical Activity and Nutrition
The Robert J. Kinsey Youth Center supports the health and well-being of the facility’s staff and residents by promoting nutrition and physical activity.
In accordance with federal law, it is the policy of the facility to provide residents access to healthy foods and beverages; provide opportunities for developmentally appropriate physical activity; and require that all meals served by the facility meet or exceed the federal nutritional guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A Wellness Committee will be formed and maintained to oversee these activities.
The Kinsey Wellness Policy shall be made available to residents and families by means of the Kinsey Youth Center website. Paper copies are available at the facility upon request
More Information
Contact Us
- Mary K. Cates-Cullison, MSW, LCSW, LCAC - Director/Clinical Supervisor
- Michelle Ege, BS, MS - Assistant Director
- Julie L. Watkins, BA, JSOCC - Program Director, Emergency Shelter Care
- Hannah Mooney, BA - Compliance Monitor/Shelter Care Case Manager
- Miranda Addison, BA - Shelter Care Case Manager
- Rosalie L. Prifogle, BS, JSOCC - Secure Case Manager
- Tracey Malone, BA - Secure Program Director
- Melinda Green - Administrative Assistant
- Jennifer Young - Administrative Assistant
- Fred Foxx - Dietary Manager
Interested in working for the Kinsey Youth Center?
All applicants must fill out the following applications:
- Kinsey Youth Center Application
- Department of Child Services Background Check
- Department of Child Services History Check
Completed applications can either be dropped off at the front desk or emailed to Michelle Ege.
Contact Information
Robert J. Kinsey Youth Center
701 S. Berkley Road
Kokomo, IN 46901
Visitation Hours
Wednesday 6:30pm-8:00pm
Sunday 1:30pm-3:00pm