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Juvenile Probation

The Howard Circuit Court, Office of Juvenile Services has adopted the Balance Approach and Restorative Justice model in its approach to youth offenders. This approach, sponsored by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, emphasizes the need for the juvenile justice system to become more responsive to the needs of the victims, offenders and the community. The Balanced Approach/Restorative Justice (BARJ) model focuses on the balance of three objectives (accountability, community protection, and competency development) and each gaining tangible benefits from their interaction with the juvenile justice system.

The Balanced Approach/Restorative Justice model builds on research and practical experience with outcome focused intervention strategies. The emphasis focuses on three programming priorities:

This approach to the juvenile justice system coupled with SAFEPOLICY/SHOCAP strategy and the emphasis on the family allows for more effective community involvement and prevention/intervention services within the juvenile justice system.

  • Assisting the community in providing all youths and families with resources necessary for appropriate growth and maturation in becoming productive members of society.
  • The belief that the family system is fundamental to every youth’s positive development as a citizen. In an effort to support and nurture this system, we encourage family parental participation, involvement and responsibility at all levels within the juvenile justice system.
  • Effectively utilizing all existing community and state resources available for families and youths through referral, networking and follow-up.
  • Ensure victims within our community are treated with respect and dignity and are appropriately compensated for losses.


Connie BurtonAsst. Chief Probation Officerconnie.burton@howardcountyin.gov765-614-3254
Georgeanne LoeIntake Supervisorgeorgeanne.loe@howardcountyin.gov765-614-3255
Kathryn "Katie" BerryProbation Officerkathryn.berry@howardcountyin.gov765-614-3257
Sally FrancisProbation Officersally.francis@howardcountyin.gov765-614-3261
Dawn GriggsProbation Officerdawn.griggs@howardcountyin.gov765-614-3266
Heather MaloneProbation Officerheather.malone@howardcountyin.gov765-614-3256
Robert SeburaProbation Officer and QUEST Administratorrobert.sebura@howardcountyin.gov765-614-3260
Brandy SmallProbation Officerbrandy.small@howardcountyin.gov765-614-3259
Kimberlee AtwellAdministrative Assistantkimberlee.atwell@howardcountyin.gov765-614-3258

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701 S Berkley Road
Kokomo, IN 46901




Monday – Friday

8:00am – 6:00pm

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