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Sheriff Sale


All sales are held at the Sheriff’s Department located at 214 E. 4th St., Marion, IN, at 10:00AM on the date shown on the Sheriff Sale list.

Lists are available in the lobby of the Administrative offices of the Sheriff’s Department or online.

You must enter a hand written bid before 10:00AM the day of the sale to participate (Bid forms are available at the front desk and online). Please fill out the bid form completely and properly, including the name of the current owner.

There is no minimum bid; you should bid a low amount to start. The high bid will be read at 10:00AM. If you win the bid,

Payment is required in full by 3pm the day of the sale. If the payment is not made by 3:00PM, the sale is voided and the next highest bidder will be notified.

The dollar amount on the sheriff sale list is just the judgment. That is what is owed on the property when the paperwork was filed. This is NOT necessarily what the bank will bid. We do not have keys to any of the properties.

We do not show the properties. We do not have any information about the properties. If possible, the taxes are current prior to the sale date. You will be responsible for the taxes that are due on the next installment even though you did not own or live in the house during the billing period. The bank is always represented, either by fax or in person. Once you have paid for the property, it is officially yours.

You should, at that time, get it insured and get the locks changed. If the house is empty possession is immediate. If the house is occupied, we will evict them within 24 hours.

If you have questions about Sheriff Sales please contact Kathi.

Kathy Baker

Kathi Baker

Sheriff Sales

Phone: 765-662-9836 ext. 2110
Fax: 765-651-0690

214 E 4th Street
Marion, Indiana, 46953