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Sheriff Bert White

Sheriff BadgeSheriff Bert White

Sheriff Bert White served as Sheriff of Grant County from 1931 to 1934

I was not able to find much information on Bert White who served under Jacob Campbell and then went on to become Sheriff. Sheriff White is the only Sheriff to be arrested while serving in office. Sheriff White had a tarnished reputation in my opinion and tarnished the office of Sheriff. I do not know where Sheriff White is buried, when he was born, or who his family was.

Here is an article in reference to his arrest:

From the Putnam County Daily Banner February 9, 1933

Indict Sheriff At Marion, Ind.


MARION, Ind., Feb 9.—Sheriff Bert White of Grant county and former Sheriff Jacob Campbell were informed last night by E. O. Hall, United States marshal, that he held warrants for their arrest and that they would be expected to appear at Marion police headquarters this morning to provide bonds of $5,000 each.

Before his announcement that he had notified White and Campbell, the marshall served Charles Truex, Marion police captain and member of the department for 17 years, with a warrant charging conspiracy to violate the national prohibition law.

The grand jury reported last Saturday after an investigation during which it subpoenaed 26 persons from Marion, Gas City and Peru for testimony.

A total of 232 persons were named in 111 indictments for the Ft. Wayne, Hammond and South Bend divisions of the court, leading to the belief a number were named on conspiracy charges.

Others arrested last night were:

​Harry E. Roberts, 49 years old, attorney, bond set at $2,500.

Harry Miller, 32, former owner of an electric shop, bond set at $5,000.

Asher D. Quick, 28, Miller’s brother-in-law, bond set at $2,500.

William Johnson, 32, North Marion, garage proprietor, bond set at $2,500.

Ora Kirby, 40, Gas City restaurant operator, bond set at $1,000.

A.J. Senefield, proprietor of a motor agency, bond set at $5,000.

All provided bond except Quick and Kirby. All except Kirby were charged with conspiracy to violate the national prohibition law. The charge against him is perjury. Senefield is under bond on a previous field liquor charge.

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