Sheriff Albert Fowler
Sheriff Fowler was born on July 3, 1862, and died on September 14, 1945
Sheriff Fowler served as Sheriff of Grant County from 1919 to 1922
Sheriff Albert “Bert” Fowler did something not many would do during this time in the history of Indiana. Sheriff Fowler protected an African American male accused of a crime. During this time period in Indiana racism ran rampant. A single spark could start a lynch mob as we would see in later years. If Sheriff Fowler had not taken the steps he did more than likely Daniel Green would have been lynched on the courthouse square. Here is an article which was published in the Logansport Press.
From the Logansport Press published Tuesday, August 30, 1921
Negro Identified by White Woman as Her Assailant
Sheriff Removes Prisoner to Another Town Fearing Mob Violence
Marion, Aug. 29—Daniel Green, 34 years old, residing in this city has been identified by Mrs. Lemons, living south of the city, as being one of two colored men she says assaulted her at her home on the afternoon of Aug. 9, and following the swearing out of an affidavit, which she signed, charging Green with criminal assault, he has been transferred to the jail in another city, whose location has not been designated by Sheriff Bert Fowler. A wagon, which the officers say, in some respects answers the description of the one the two colored men are said to have been riding in, was found at the Green home, but the horse has never been located. Green vehemently denies the charge, and denies any knowledge of the alledged assault on Mrs. Lemons. Green is the first one taken before her who she has directly accused as being one of her assailants. Sheriff Fowler and his deputies are continuing search for the other alleged assailant, while working other evidence in the case. Green is a single man.
Albert Fowler Rites set Monday at Fowlerton
Fairmount, Sept. 15, Last ries for Albert Fowler, eighty-three, who died Friday night at the Grant county home, will be conducted at 2 p.m. Monday at the Matthews Wesleyan Methodist Church.
Rev. Helen Brock, pastor, will officiate, and burial will be in the Matthews I.O.O.F. cemetery.
Mr. Fowler always resided in Fowlerton before going to the home.
Survivors include two brothers, Ollie, Matthews, and Jefferson, Logansport; one sister, Mrs. Ida Garrison, Hunington.
The body was taken to 425 North Main street where it will remain until noon Monday.