On November 22, the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission hosted the 2024 Winter Reliability Forum for the large investor-owned electric and gas utilities, Citizens Energy Group, IMPA, Hoosier Energy, WVPA, small gas, and regional transmission organizations to brief the Commission on their preparations for the 2024/2025 winter season.
Presentations: PJM I MISO I WVPA I Hoosier Energy I Citizens Energy I IMPA I Indiana Michigan Power I NIPSCO I Duke Energy Indiana I CenterPoint Energy Indiana I Small gas utilities I AES Indiana
On May 9, the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission hosted the 2024 Summer Reliability Forum for the investor-owned electric utilities, Indiana Municipal Power Agency, Hoosier Energy, Wabash Valley Power Alliance, and the regional transmission organizations to provide an update on their preparations for the 2024 summer season.
Presentations: AES Indiana I CenterPoint Energy I Duke Energy I Hoosier Energy I IMPA I Indiana Michigan Power I MISO I NIPSCO I PJM I WVPA
In November, the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission hosted a Winter Reliability Forum for the large investor-owned electric and gas utilities, IMPA, Hoosier Energy, WVPA, small gas, and regional transmission organizations to brief the Commission on their preparations for the 2023/2024 winter season.
Agenda | PDF
Presentations: AES Indiana | CenterPoint Energy | Citizens Energy | Duke Energy | Hoosier Energy | IMPA | Indiana Michigan Power | MISO | NIPSCO | PJM Interconnect | Small Gas Utilities | WVPA
In May, the Commission hosted a Summer Reliability Forum for the investor-owned electric utilities and regional transmission organizations to provide an update on their preparations for the 2023 summer season.
Agenda | PDF
Presentations: PJM Interconnect | MISO | AES Indiana | CenterPoint Energy | Duke Energy | Hoosier Energy | IMPA | Indiana Michigan Power | NIPSCO | WVPA
The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (Commission) hosted a Winter Reliability Forum for the large investor-owned electric and gas utilities, IMPA, Hoosier Energy, WVPA, small gas, and regional transmission organizations to brief the Commission on their preparations for the upcoming winter season. The Winter Reliability Forum was hosted in person and livestreamed beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 17, 2022, in the Commission’s Judicial Courtroom 222.
Agenda | PDF
Presentations: PJM | MISO | NIPSCO | AES Indiana | WVPA | Duke Energy Indiana | Hoosier Energy | IMPA | Indiana Michigan Power | CenterPoint Energy Indiana | Citizens Energy | Small Gas
The Commission hosted a Summer Reliability Forum for the investor-owned electric utilities and regional transmission organizations to brief the Commission on their preparations for the upcoming summer season. The Summer Reliability Forum was hosted in person and livestreamed beginning at 10:15 a.m. on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 in the Commission’s Judicial Courtroom 222.
Agenda | PDF
Presentations: AES Indiana | Duke Energy | CenterPoint Energy | Indiana Michigan Power | NIPSCO | MISO | PJM Interconnect
The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (Commission) hosted a Winter Reliability Forum for the large electric and gas utilities to brief the Commission on their preparations for the winter season. The Winter Reliability Forum was hosted virtually. on Thursday, October 28, 2021.
Agenda | PDF
Presentations: AES Indiana | Citizens Energy Group | Duke Energy | CenterPoint Energy | Indiana Michigan Power | NIPSCO