Online Services
The Commission created the Online Services Portal to provide an open and transparent way for the public and stakeholders to access information and file complaints or documents with the Commission. The Online Services Portal includes a searchable database of docketed cases from 2001 to present, the ability to subscribe to a legal case, a form for customers to file a complaint about a utility, and an electronic document system so that parties to a case can file documents.
Please note that the Commission's procedural rules, Title 170 Ind. Admin Code 1-1.1, have been amended to provide guidance about electronic filing and the Commission's electronic filing system. You can review the full text of the rule here for more information.
To access the Online Services Portal, click the link below.
Portal Access
To submit filings or CAD complaints/inquiries or to subscribe to a legal case, all users need to create an Access Indiana account. The “sign-in” button on the Portal will now direct to Access Indiana. Once users sign in through Access Indiana (and you must create an account if you don’t have one already), it will direct you back to the Portal, which will look and function the exact same as it does now, both for submitting filings and CAD complaints or inquiries. Whether or not you have a current account on the Online Services Portal, you MUST create an Access Indiana account. Failing to do so will mean you cannot access the Portal to submit filings.
Detailed instructions on creating an Access Indiana account can be found here. If you have any difficulties setting up an account or have questions, please contact the Commission's IT team at
Functions of the Online Services Portal
Search the database
The Commission's Online Services Portal is a searchable database that contains all documents in cases from 2001 to the present. The Electronic Document system is used to process and manage public information filed in docketed cases.
Subscribe to a legal case
Users can subscribe to legal cases before the Commission. They will receive notifications when a new filing or document is posted on the Online Services Portal for the chosen case(s).
File a complaint
Utility customers may file complaints electronically through the Online Services Portal. Their complaint will go directly to the Commission’s Consumer Affairs Division. Visit the Customer Assistance page to learn more.
File other documents
The Online Services Portal is where parties to cases file documents related to proceedings before the Commission, and where utilities file their annual reports.
Search Tip
To search for a case, click the “Start” button under “Search for a Docketed Case.” When the next page opens, if you have the five-digit Cause Number, you may enter it into the field and click Search. In some instances, multiple cases may appear with the same docket number. These are subdockets. If you do not know the five-digit Case Number, there are other ways to find it. For example, you can select a petition type or the case’s status before the Commission. You can also enter in the name of the utility or dates related to the petition, order, or hearings. When you are finished entering the criteria, click “Search.”
You do not need an account to search the Docketed, Non Docketed Communication, and 30 day cases.
User Manual | FAQs | GAO 2016-2
If you have difficulty accessing the Online Services Portal, contact the Commission's IT team at