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Permit Forms

The following are forms for right-of-way and outdoor advertising permits. To submit a permit application, please use the Electronic Permit System (EPS). For further assistance, contact the INDOT Permits Division at

Bond Forms

The permit bond, required for most types of right-of-way permits, is a performance bond which is processed by a qualified surety company. It ensures that the work will be completed in accordance with INDOT standards and specifications for the associated project(s). The bond must be in an amount sufficient to cover all work within the right-of-way.

The bond form must be notarized and submitted (1) electronically to EPS as a scanned PDF attachment, and (2) submitted in hard copy, with original signatures and notarization, to the appropriate INDOT office. Bond forms that are not fully completed, with all signatures, signers identified, and properly notarized with seal, will not be accepted.

Type of Bond
(Click on the title to download the form)
Performance BondBlanket Bond
Coverage Single Permit Multiple permits (blanket bonds are used by companies that typically submit more than five permits)
Which Permits office handles

District Office

For District contact information including mailing address, see the INDOT District Map page.

Central Office

Mail original documents to:
INDOT Permits
100 N. Senate Ave., N758-Permits
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Please send all documentation updating the blanket bond to this address, including Riders, Continuation Certificates, Reinstatement Certificates, and requests to release blanket bonds.

Blanket Bonds can only be released through INDOT Central Office. Please send Blanket Bond release requests to

Bond Release Information Request Form

Bond/Permit Fee Waiver (State Form 35483, R4/8-04)
This document can only be used by governmental agencies, schools, and churches when INDOT determines that fees and/or bonds can be waived. If the applicant hires a contractor, bonds are not typically waived unless the applicant shows proof that the department is named as a beneficiary in the bond between the applicant and the contractor and that the applicant will not release said bond until the department approves all work performed in the right-of-way.

Other Forms

Hold Harmless Form
Used when diverting traffic off of a State roadway to a city or county street or road.

Agreement To Execute An Access Control Document
In consideration for INDOT granting a driveway permit, the applicant may be required to sign an agreement to execute an access control document conveying the access rights for the balance of property frontage owned by the applicant. The agreement will allow INDOT to issue a permit to begin driveway construction before the actual deed relinquishing the remaining access rights is prepared and recorded on the property. This document is required for most developments with more than 400 feet of frontage along a State controlled highway.

Additional Disclosure Form (State Form 23237, R/3-00)
When additional parties are involved with a permit project, this form is used to acknowledge their involvement. One copy of the Additional Disclosure form is to be notarized and submitted with original signatures.

Consent Form
Used when a design consultant submits a permit application over EPS for a property owner, giving the consultant the right to act on behalf of the property owner.

Traffic Impact Study Checklist
Use this Template to facilitate Traffic Impact Study items in the Initial Meeting.

Boring and Jacking Specifications Worksheets

Used when submitting a permit application to INDOT for the purpose of boring and jacking a pipe under a state-controlled or interstate highway.

Worksheet for Interstates (not Broadband)Worksheet for Interstates (Broadband)
Worksheet for limited-access roads other than Interstates (not Broadband)

Worksheet for limited-access roads other than Interstates (Broadband)

Worksheet for 2-lane highways (not Broadband)Worksheet for 2-lane highways (Broadband)

Outdoor Advertising Affidavit Templates

Type of AffidavitTemplate FileInstructionsExample
Zoning affidavit by zoning officialTemplateInstructionsExample
Zoning affidavit by sign owner (if unable to obtain zoning affidavit by zoning official) TemplateInstructionsExample
Property owner consent affidavitTemplateInstructionsExample
Sign owner affidavit of consent (if sign owner is unable to obtain a property owner consent affidavit) TemplateInstructionsExample
Affidavit of sign transfer of ownershipTemplateInstructionsExample

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