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Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program


These procedures outline the process for Indiana Local Public Agencies (LPA) which include units of local government and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) approved for federal aid through a previous call for projects that are interested in participating in the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) Discretionary Grant Program.

The RCP Program is awarded on a competitive basis for projects that reconnect communities by removing, retrofitting, or mitigating highways or other transportation facilities that create barriers to community connectivity, including to mobility, access, or economic development. Further details including eligibility requirements for RCP Planning and Capital Construction Grants can be found through the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), published by the Office of the Secretary of Transportation (Assistance Listing #20.940)

As of July 1,2019, all federal funds, including those that are grants provided by the USDOT for local projects with prior federal aid approvals from INDOT, are required to receive approval from the Indiana State Budget Agency (SBA) before participating in federal grants opportunities, which includes: applying, or acting as a pass-through for federal grants; submitting a federal form required to receive federal grants; requesting, or accepting amendments to a federal grant; and obligating state funds in anticipation of receiving federal grants.

Application Process

Processes Required Before Submitting a Federal Grant Application

To participate in a federal grant award for projects previously approved for federal aid through a previous call for projects the LPA must complete the SBA Federal Assistance Request Form and once completed, the form MUST be sent to the INDOT LPA Program team for submittal to the SBA. The request form will need to clearly state how the LPA expects to match the grant’s funds. If it does not, INDOT Project Finance will ask for it to be modified.  Please note that MPO’s will not be allowed to transfer excess federal funding over to FHWA after an award. The funding type selected should indicate Pass-Through funding.  Once the request form has been successfully completed INDOT Project Finance will submit to the SBA.

Provide the LPA Program team with at least 20 DAYS before the application deadline of October 13, 2022, to review requests. It is recommended that this process is completed no later than September 14 and shall not be submitted after, September 16, for the Fiscal Year 2022 RCP program. If the federal assistance is approved by the SBA, INDOT Project Finance will email the lead applicant providing them with the SBA Federal Grant Approval Number and then the lead applicant may submit the application to the DOT via under the Opportunity Number DOT-RCP-FY22.01.

Processes Required After Submitting a Federal Grant Application

Upon submission of the RCP grant, please send all documentation to the INDOT LPA Program team for the purpose of ensuring follow through with SBA required transparency deadlines. There is a 60-day transparency deadline that must be followed upon submission to the grantor agency.

Award Process

Capital Project Construction Grant Award

  1. Upon notification of a successful award from the DOT, all documentation including DES and Award information must be sent to the INDOT LPA Program team for the purpose of ensuring follow through with SBA required transparency deadlines. There is a 60-day transparency deadline that must be followed upon award from the grantor agency.
  2. No Notice to Proceed may be given until a PO is in place.

Post Award

It is the LPA’s responsibility to provide the INDOT LPA Program team with copies of the regular RCP Performance Progress Reports (SF-PPR) and coordinate as needed for the INDOT LPA Program team to submit Federal Financial Reports (SF-425) to monitor project administration and ensure accountability and financial transparency with the DOT. Recipients must also submit annual reports that address both project administration and the overall benefits delivered to the project area articulated in the grant proposal and agreed upon with the DOT in the grant agreement prior to the obligation of the award.

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