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Driveway Permit


Please use our EPS system to apply for a permit. If you do not already have an EPS account please click on register for a new account.  Fill out the information and click on the green register button at the bottom.  When you received the EPS email, click on the link and it will take you to the EPS login page.


Check the status of your permit at: EPS Login

  1. Where permit is in review process
  2. See any additional info requests
  3. Notification when permit is approved

Note: The username and password are required

Driveway Permit Types

Private Driveway Permit ($55 permit application fee): This type access connects the highway to private property having a residence, barn, or private garage, in improved or unimproved condition, used by the owner or occupant of the premises, guests, and necessary service vehicles. The location for this type of driveway can be in either an urban or a rural area. Private driveways can also be used as farm field entrances when accessing unimproved land. It can also be designated as either a Class I, II, or V driveway approach (See Section 4 in the Driveway Permit Guide for details).

Sub Minor Commercial Driveway Permit ($150 permit application fee): This type of approach connects the highway to private property used for commercial purposes, and which does not attract more than 25 vehicles per day, as determined by INDOT. The location of this type can be in either an urban or rural area. It can also be designated as either a Class I, II, III or IV driveway approach (See Section 4 for approach class descriptions).

Minor Commercial Driveway Permit ($150 permit application fee): This type of approach connects the highway to private property used for commercial purposes, or to a public property, and which does not attract sufficient traffic to warrant an auxiliary lane(s), as determined by INDOT. The location for this type can be in either an urban or a rural area. It can also be designated as either a class III or IV driveway approach (See Section 5 in the Driveway Permit Guide for details).

Major Commercial Driveway Permit ($600 permit application fee): This type of approach connects the highway to the private property used for commercial purposes or to a public property which attracts enough traffic to require auxiliary lane(s), as determined by INDOT. The location for this type can be in either an urban or rural area. It can also be designated as either a class III or IV driveway approach (see section 5 in the Driveway Permit Guide for details).

Minor Public Road Approach ($150 permit application fee): This type of approach connects the highway to public right of way in the form of a city street or county roadway.

Major Public Road Approach ($600 permit application fee): This type of approach connects the highway to public right of way in the form of a city street or county road and attracts enough traffic to require auxiliary lane(s), as determined by INDOT.


Customers submitting private driveway permit applications should print out the Private Approach Reference Worksheet. and complete it before logging into the EPS. The worksheet will identify and help the customer retrieve all the field information needed to complete the on-line application.

Become an IN.Gov Subscriber

Permits can be paid for by credit card or through monthly billing from IN.Gov. Subscribing to the IN.Gov portal enables customers to access more state services. For more information about additional services, please call IN.Gov at 1-888-446-3468 and select option #1.

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