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Broadband Access Permit ($55)


Please use our EPS system to register for a permit . If you do not already have an EPS account please click on register for a new account.  Fill out the information and click on the green register button at the bottom.  When you received the EPS email, click on the link and it will take you to the EPS login page.


Check the status of your permit at: EPS Login

  1. Where permit is in review process
  2. See any additional info requests
  3. Notification when permit is approved

Note: The username and password are required

Broadband Access Corridor

To accelerate the deployment of broadband infrastructure across the state, INDOT is launching a broadband corridors program. The new program removes barriers preventing broadband providers from accessing right-of-way along Indiana interstates and limited access highways.

When a Broadband Access Permit is required by INDOT…

  • The project relates to the construction and/or placement of new vertical structure(s) for the purpose of wireless data transmission within INDOT Right-Of-Way.
  • The project involves the placement of wireless data transmission equipment on existing structures within INDOT Right-Of-Way.

  • The project requires that fiber optic wire and cable duct be placed within INDOT Right-Of-Way.
  • If any of these statements are true, a Broadband Access Permit must be obtained before the start of construction.

Broadband Access Permit Sub Issue Definitions

New Vertical Structure: Use this permit sub-type when applying to construct a vertical structure designed to support wireless data transmission improvements, and related services in INDOT Right-Of-Way.

State-Owned Vertical Structure: Use this permit sub-type when applying for the right to place data transmission equipment on existing state-owned structures.

State Facility: For use when seeking the right to place data transmission equipment on State owned buildings.

Longitudinal Fiber: For use when seeking the right to install fiber optic cable and conduit in INDOT Right-Of-Way when any part the installation runs approximately parallel to the roadway.

Transverse Fiber: For use when seeking the right to install fiber optic cable and conduit in INDOT Right-Of-Way where the installation is limited to approximately perpendicular passage over and under INDOT Right-Of-Way.

Other: For use when applying for a permit to access a site for the purpose of modification and maintenance of shared use improvements.

Instructions for Attachments:

In order to conduct preliminary site viability analysis “Plans of Sufficient Detail” must be attached to the Broadband Access permit request.  Plans of Sufficient Detail should indicate the approximate boundary of the requested site, including access roads and intended underground and overhead utility and communication runs, and be at a scale that allows for a detailed evaluation of the proposed site.

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