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Healthy Hoosiers Foundation


The Healthy Hoosiers Foundation (HHF) is a 501(c)(3) that was created by the Indiana General Assembly for the direct benefit of the Indiana Department of Health (IDOH). The Healthy Hoosiers Foundation embraces philanthropy to partner with the larger community to achieve shared goals. By inviting individuals, foundations, and corporations to support the mission of The Healthy Hoosiers Foundation through financial support, we can target serious health issues facing Hoosiers.


The Healthy Hoosiers Foundation assists the Indiana Department of Health and its partners in improving the health and well-being of individuals and communities across Indiana.


A healthy and safe Indiana supported and sustained by thriving, engaged communities.

Quick Facts
HHF logo

Key Areas of Focus

Reducing Infant Mortality

Increasing Childhood Vaccine Rates

Reducing Obesity

Reducing Smoking Rates

Addressing HIV/AIDS Issues

Addressing Mental Health Needs

Addressing Physical Health Needs

Board of Directors

Dan Evans, President 
President and CEO (Retired)
Indiana University Health

Amy McConkey Robbins
Vice President
Speech-Language Pathologist
Communication Consulting Services

Mark Andersen
Chief Financial Officer
Biosciences Research Institute

Maria Del Rio Hoover, MD
Medical Director
St. Vincent Center for Children

Lindsay Weaver, MD, FACEP
Indiana State Health Commissioner
Indiana Department of Health

Eric Miller
Indiana Department of Child Services

Paul K. Halverson, DrPH, FACHE
Founding Dean and Professor
IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health

Lorra Archibald
Executive Director
Healthy Communities of Clinton County Coalition

Jon Ferguson
Executive Director
Healthy Hoosiers Foundation

Learn More About the Foundation