Grant Opportunities
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- Current: Grant Opportunities
In 2023, the State of Indiana adopted a new grants management system called eCivis. Part of a larger initiative to improve grants management in Indiana, eCivis will track grants from application to closeout, establishing a more effective framework for managing grants. All state agencies are required to use this new grants management system to manage state and federal grants and fulfill their federal grant recipient monitoring responsibilities.
Applicants for state and federal grants from the Indiana Department of Health will access grant solicitations via the SBA website or private link. Applications will be submitted electronically through the eCivis Grants Portal, and successful applicants will receive their award notices via eCivis. Following receipt of their award, grant recipients will use eCivis to manage their grants, including submitting activity reports, requesting reimbursement, and conducting grant close-out activities.
For training materials, technical support, and other information about eCivis, please visit the Indiana State Budget Agency website at
To access available grant solicitations, please visit the State Agency Grant Opportunities section of the State Budget Agency website.
Tactical Urbanism Demonstration Projects Supporting Active Transportation
Purpose: The Indiana Department of Health (IDOH) is providing funding for Indiana communities to assist in the design and implementation of low-cost pop-up, tactical urbanism demonstration projects that support active living in Indiana. This funding will assist grantees in the planning, preparation, and implementation of one or more tactical urbanism demonstration projects in their communities.
Deadline: Applications are due by 4 p.m. Thursday, February 27, 2025. An extension of the application deadline is available with approval prior to the deadline (will be determined on a case-by-case basis). Applications must be submitted via email (PDF format in one unified file) to (there is a 24 MB file size limitation).
Newborn Screening Care Coordination Grants
Purpose: The purpose of this opportunity is to provide financial support and collaboration among genetic clinics and specialty centers serving pediatric patients for timely care coordination of newborns with presumptive positive newborn screening results for all conditions screened for on the dried blood spot except sickle cell disease and other hemoglobinopathies. Care coordination for sickle cell disease and other hemoglobinopathies is funded through the Lifelong Sickle Cell Collaborative Services Grant in collaboration with the Children with Special Health Care Services division of IDOH.
Deadline: Friday, February 14, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.
Local Health Department Naloxone Grant
Purpose: The Indiana Department of Health is accepting applications from local health departments (LHDs) in response to the grant opportunity for the distribution of opioid overdose reversal kits that include naloxone nasal spray. IDOH will be responsible for awarding the number of overdose reversal kits and is partnering with Overdose Lifeline to distribute the kits to LHDs. LHDs will be responsible for the distribution of kits in their communities. Email questions to the Naloxone Program Manager, Laura Hollowell at
Trauma System Development Grant
Purpose: The Indiana Department of Health’s Division of Trauma and Injury Prevention has been provided funding to support quality improvement projects and the ongoing development of the statewide trauma system. To aid in the implementation of trauma system projects, the Indiana Department of Health will fund the following strategies. Applicants must implement projects that target at least one strategy but can address multiple strategies if appropriate.
- Strategy 1: Trauma System Development
- Strategy 2: Quality Improvement
- Strategy 3: Trauma and Non-Trauma Center Engagement
- Strategy 4: Injury Prevention Programming
Deadline: Rolling submission.
Rural First Responder Naloxone Grant
Purpose: The opportunity provides opioid rescue kits to first responders in rural counties in the form of Narcan Nasal Spray (4mg). Only first responders who provide services in 62 covered rural counties are eligible to receive the naloxone doses. For grant activities, first responders include (professional and volunteer): firefighters, law enforcement officers, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, or other legally organized and recognized volunteer organizations that respond to adverse opioid-related incidents. Award recipients will be required to complete an online postcard survey after each overdose event. Postcards are provided to awarded agencies by IDOH. Email questions to the Naloxone Program Manager, Laura Hollowell at
Bone Marrow Donor Recruitment Program
We are not accepting applications at this time. In accordance with IC 16-46-12, the Indiana Department of Health seeks grant applications from organizations that provide free human leukocyte antigen (HLA) testing, which is administered to place an individual on a national bone marrow donor registry and provide free testing to place an individual on a national human organ donor registry. This grant is managed by the Division of Chronic Disease, Primary Care and Rural Health.
Early Intervention for Children with Visual Impairment Grant
We are not accepting applications at this time. The Early Intervention for Children with Visual Impairment Grant is a competitive grant funding opportunity to address the Title V medical home national performance measure for children with special health care needs. This grant is managed by the Division of Children's Special Health Care Services.
Healthy Schools Grant
We are not accepting applications at this time. The three-year Indiana Healthy Schools Grant provides funding for Local Education Agencies (school districts/corporations and charter schools) that participate in the National School Lunch Program to create supportive nutrition and physical activity environments for all students, while also engaging staff and the greater community. This grant is managed by the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity.
Indiana Health Issues and Challenges Grant
We are not accepting applications at this time.
Purpose: The Indiana Department of Health (IDOH) is requesting applications from local and statewide service providers and planning organizations for competitive grant funding supported through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The purpose of this Request for Applications (RFA) is to fund entities within the State of Indiana to implement programs focused on addressing health issues and challenges within Indiana. These funds must be used to develop and implement services focused on improving health outcomes related to one or more of the following priority areas: tobacco use, food insecurity/obesity, lead exposure, hepatitis C, chronic disease (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma, and cancer) and public health prevention programs (community paramedicine for chronic disease, immunizations, and substance use disorder and community health workers/patient navigators.
Background: This new grant application is open to all projects proposing to address health issues and challenges in Indiana associated with the priority areas listed above. Applicants may select one or more of the priority areas and may submit a separate application for a priority area or submit an application that combines two or more priority areas. The applicant must justify the size of the budget within the stated funding limits of that priority area. Grants will be effective for a 12-month period with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2022. Funds must be encumbered (obligated) by December 31, 2024. Funds must be spent by December 31, 2026. Funding awarded cannot be used to supplant funding currently in place for these activities and must be used for its stated purpose. See guidance documents listed in the “guidance documents” tile on this page for more information on applying for this funding opportunity. Please send any questions to
Low Protein Food Grant
We are not accepting applications at this time.
Purpose: The Genomics and Newborn Screening program within the Maternal and Child Health Division at the Indiana Department of Health recognizes the need for resources for patients who are on low protein diets due to their metabolic disorders. The overall vision of the Low Protein Food Grant is to provide monetary support to Indiana state metabolic clinics that manage patients on low protein diets.
Planning Grants for Community Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements
We are not accepting applications at this time.
Purpose: The Indiana Department of Health (IDOH) is providing funding for Indiana communities to conduct community-wide bicycle and pedestrian planning activities. The IDOH Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity (DNPA) invests in partnerships and activities that work toward improving the health of all Indiana residents. The adoption of bicycle and pedestrian master plans by Indiana communities is seen as an effective way to invest in changes to policies and the built environment that support healthy community outcomes. Eligible applicants include cities, towns, counties, or regional planning agencies such as metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs). This grant is managed by the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity.
Youth/Adolescent Physical Activity (YAPA) Grant
We are not accepting applications at this time. The one-year YAPA grant is focused on providing physical activity and physical education opportunities for youth and adolescents, 6-17 years of age (K-12) in the classroom, school, and before or after school program settings. We will consider ideas that will best fit your community or organization to successfully improve the overall health of youth and adolescents. Some examples would be utilizing funds for professional development for staff, creating and implementing a sustainable physical activity program, or improving an existing program. This grant is managed by the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity.

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