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Indiana Certified Peer Support Professionals

Become a new Indiana Certified Peer Support Professional

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What is a Certified Peer Support Professional?

In Indiana, a Certified Peer Support Professional (CPSP) is an individual who utilizes their lived experience combined with formal training to instill hope, inspire change, and support other individuals through similar experiences, using personal connection, person centered care, and their shared understanding to navigate their life in recovery.

Why Peers

Peers provide a low barrier access point to support, treatment, connection and resource navigation. Peers are often the first behavioral health access point for individuals in jails, hospitals and the community. Through Recovery Community Organizations, Recovery Community Centers, Outreach Teams, Crisis Teams and embedded workforce recovery groups peers act as a bridge to other community services.

Certified Peer Support Professional FAQs


Indiana Family and Social Services Administration – Division of Mental Health and Addiction

The Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA) sets care standards for the provision of mental health and substance use services for the state. DMHA is committed to ensuring that individuals can access quality services that promote resiliency, recovery and wellness. DMHA’s Recovery Support Services team has the authority and oversight over all Peer Certification programs* in Indiana.

*DMHA recognizes both the division’s CPSP and certifications by ICAADA equally