Purdue Extension Services
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- Current: Purdue Extension Services
Duties and Responsibilities
Purdue Extension is...
EDUCATION is the primary focus of Purdue Extension. From 4-H youth to family members to farmers to citizens — Purdue Extension is where you can learn what you need to know. Local Extension Educators and Extension Associate Educators coordinate learning experiences and reach out through media sources.
Programs provide environments where young people and adults can learn. Volunteers learn leadership and experience satisfaction in serving. Individuals learn through research-based answers to their questions. Purdue specialists assist learning as program speakers, or as resources for individual questions. Knowledge at neighboring land-grant universities can be accessed.
Educational publications and other materials are available that are authored by university specialists. Programs and materials may have a modest fee to cover costs, but many services are free!
So, what can we do for you today? Let’s solve a problem together or learn something new!