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The Auditor is the Chief Financial Officer of the County. Every county office deals directly with the Auditor's Office on a regular basis to obtain important financial and tax-related information.

The Auditor's staff is responsible for handling all receipts and disbursements of county funds, creating financial statements for the county, completing annual reports for review by the Indiana State Board of Accounts, and maintaining payroll for all county employees. The Auditor is charged with enforcing property tax laws - particularly those regarding Homestead deductions - in Grant County.

Additionally, the Auditor's office handles all transfers of ownership of real property, provides full-color plat maps for Grant County (the full-color plat book, which includes color aerial photos for the entire county, is $26.75, including sales tax), maintains tax duplicates for all real, personal, mobile home, drainage, and special assessment records, controls distributions of tax collections, special assessments, and special revenue collections for all units of government within Grant County and manages the filing of all applications for exemptions and deductions allowable by state statute.

It is the Auditor's goal that this information be timely, accurate, and easily accessible to the public.

All budgets, salary ordinances, additional appropriations, transfers, and abatement applications are submitted to the County Council for approval.

The Auditor is also Secretary for the County Council and County Commissioners. The minutes of the Council and Commissioner proceedings are maintained by the Auditor's office.

Duties & Responsibilities

Auditor Contact

Angie Jarvis
401 S. Adams Street
Marion, IN 46953, 2nd Floor
Phone: (765) 668-6552
Office hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon-Fri