If you want to tear down a building on private property you do not need a permit from the county. However, there are several things you should be aware of. First, contact all utility companies and make sure that utilities are disconnected. Make sure you call any utility companies that may have lines on the property before you initiate digging, excavation, or demolition. If you are going to burn something, please contact our office Area Plan - (765) 668-4765 or the Indiana Department of Environmental Management to make sure you understand the regulations regarding open burning. Also, you can only bury solid fill (think, concrete, rock, stone, etc.) or unpainted wood. You can't bury shingles, siding or other building materials. Anything buried must be buried below three feet (36"). Also, if there is a foundation it should be broken up and removed (or buried below three feet) and clean dirt put in as fill.