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Personal Property

Personal Property Department

(765) 668-6562

For Personal Property Forms:
Online Filing Portal; PPOP-IN:

Definition of Personal Property

In addition to real estate, Indiana taxes personal property. The taxpayer is responsible for reporting all tangible personal property that is used in their trade or business, used for the production of income, or held as an investment that should be or is subject to depreciation for federal income tax purposes. Personal property is any property not attached to real estate, such as but not limited to farm implements, office equipment, and manufacturing equipment.

Personal Property is self-assessed by the taxpayer but then it is audited at the County Assessor's office for accuracy.

The Personal Property Return is confidential, with the exception of Form 104 which is available for public viewing.

Under $80,000 Exemption

Per IC 6-1.1-3-7.2, if the cost of a taxpayer’s total business personal property in a county is less than $80,000 for the assessment date, then the taxpayer’s business personal property in the county for that assessment date is exempt from taxation. The taxpayer must declare the exemption using personal property form 102 or 103.

Beginning with the January 1, 2023 assessment date, a taxpayer is no longer required to file a personal property tax return if they have previously filed a return that claimed the exemption, unless or until the taxpayer no longer qualifies for the exemption. If the taxpayer filed a return and claimed the exemption for the January 1, 2022 assessment date and continues to qualify for the exemption in 2023, no return is required in 2023.

Assessment Date January 1st - The deadline to File is May 15th

All personal property is assessed based on the January 1st assessment. The taxpayer reports all assets/equipment (self-assessed) on January 1 and must report to the County Assessor by May 15. Failure to file by May 15 will cause the taxpayer to receive a $25 penalty assessed to their tax bill. If the taxpayer fails to file before June 15, an additional 20% will be added in addition to the original tax due and the $25 late fee.

Required Forms

Whichever form applies to your business (Form 102, Form 103 Short, or Form 103 Long) must always have a Form 104 attached when filing with the County Assessor.

  • Form 104 is used for public information and is not confidential. This form must be included with every return.
  • Form 102 is used to report all tangible farm equipment.
  • Form 103 Short and 103 Long are used in reporting all business tangible personal property.
  • Forms 103 T (special tooling), 103-O and 103-N (leased equipment), 103 P (pollution), and 106 (reporting adjustments) are additional forms that may be required depending on your business.


Recent changes in Indiana law now require taxpayers who file a Business Tangible Personal Property Return (102, 103 Short, 103 Long) to complete the entire form and must include the completed Form 104. The following are regularly absent from filed returns:

  • Principle Business Codes (see NAICS Business Activity Codes)
  • Federal ID Numbers/Social Security Numbers
  • Taxpayer Signatures/Dates.

Incomplete returns may result in fines pursuant to Indiana law IC 6-1.1-37-7(d).

Located on page one of the Business Tangible Personal Property Return (Forms 102 & 103), this is the same six-digit principal business activity code that appears in Schedule K, Line 2(a) of a corporation's federal income tax return.

List of Taxing Districts

Taxpayers are required to report to the taxing district in which the asset/equipment is located on January 1. Grant County has 37 different taxing districts. The situs address, on January 1st, will determine the taxing district.

To determine your taxing district:

  1. Visit Grant County's GIS webpage.
  2. Visit DLGF's website:
  3. Search by the situs address of the asset/equipment.
  4. Once located, the taxing district can be determined by using the last 3 digits of the parcel ID number associated with that address. Those 3 digits should be preceded by "27". For example, if the last 3 digits of the parcel number are "001", your taxing district number would be "27001".
  5. You can also contact the Grant County Assessor's Office Personal Property Division at (765) 668-6562 for assistance in determining the taxing district or if you have any other questions concerning Personal Property.

Taxpayers may qualify for tax abatement on personal property. If the County Council has approved a business for tax abatement, the taxpayer must annually file certain paperwork in order to ensure compliance.
