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Evacuation & Shelters


Evacuations are more common than many people realize. Fires and floods cause evacuations most frequently across the U.S. In some circumstances, local officials decide that the hazards are serious and require mandatory evacuations. In others, evacuations are advised or households decide to evacuate to avoid situations they believe are potentially dangerous. When community evacuations become necessary local officials provide information to the public through the media. In some circumstances, other warning methods, such as sirens, text alerts, emails or telephone calls are used.

The amount of time you have to leave will depend on the hazard. If the event is a weather condition, such as a hurricane, you might have a day or two to get ready. However, many disasters allow no time for people to gather even the most basic necessities, which is why planning ahead is essential.

Plan how you will assemble your family and supplies and anticipate where you will go for different situations. Choose several destinations in different directions so you have options in an emergency and know the evacuation routes to get to those destinations.


Emergency Shelters

Emergency Shelters are used to provide a location for citizens in case of an emergency or disaster. When possible you should consider relocating to a friend or relative out of harm's way, or any safe hotels/motels as an alternative to emergency shelters.

Working in conjunction with the American Red Cross, Grant County has a vast list of shelter locations which mostly consists of churches and schools. In the event shelters are needed and activated you will be instructed to locations that will be opened for you to utilize.

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