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Health Plan Options

The state will continue offering three statewide medical plans for 2025: Consumer-Driven Health Plan 1 (CDHP 1), Consumer-Driven Health Plan 2 (CDHP 2) and Traditional Plan. All three available plans are in the National (BlueCard) PPO network with Anthem and have a prescription drug plan through CVS Caremark. Each plan has differences in premium costs, deductibles, and out-of-pocket maximums.

For 2025, the deductible, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket maximums will be staying the same. For more information about the cost of each plan, please review the 2025 rate chart.

All three plans will continue to offer two in-network tier options, giving you more ways to lower your costs.

Tier 1 - HealthSync | Preferred provider tier with lower visit costs, lower deductible, lower coinsurance, and lower out-of-pocket maximum.

Tier 2 - In-Network | All other in-network providers with the same deductible and out-of-pocket maximum you have today.

Plan Summaries

Compare the Plans

  • 2025 Plan Comparison - This document includes information related to office visits, inpatient, ER, urgent care, wellness and prevention and medicine as they relate to each plan.
  • 2025 Maximum Exposure Calculations - Please note these examples assume employee takes advantage of the Non-Tobacco Use Incentive and costs are incurred within the Anthem provider network.

How the plans work

Know where to go for care

If you are confused about an insurance term or need a more detailed explanation of the application, please view the list of common insurance terms here: