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Victim Services

The goal of the Spencer County Prosecutor’s Office Victim Assistance Program is to support and aid victims of crimes as they navigate through the criminal justice process. The victim advocate keeps victims informed of the status of criminal proceedings, assist victims in obtaining restitution, and provide information regarding additional community resources that are available to victims. A victim advocate provides or has access to the following services:

  • Court Date Notification: Victims have the right to be present during all court hearings.
  • Restitution: Losses related to a crime should be reported with proper documentation.
  • Violent Crime Compensation: A victim advocate can help victims apply to the Indiana Violent Crime Victim Compensation Fund. Victims who are eligible for the fund may receive financial aid for uninsured medical bills, funeral expenses, lost wages, and counseling from this fund.
  • No Contact Orders: No contact orders (sometimes referred to as "restraining" or "protective" orders) can be sought with the aid of a victim advocate.
  • Social Services Referrals: For additional support or resources, we can assist victims in finding the appropriate community services for counseling, health, legal, and financial services.
  • Negotiated Plea Agreements: A victim advocate can keep victims informed of terms in a plea agreement.
  • Victim Impact Statements: Victims have the right to make a victim impact statement, detailing the emotional, physical, and financial effects of the crime.

Crime Victims' Rights in the State of Indiana:

  • A victim has the right to be treated with fairness, dignity, and respect throughout the criminal justice process.
  • A victim has the right to be informed, upon request, when a person who is accused of committing or convicted of committing a crime perpetrated directly against the victim, is released from custody, or has escaped.  This includes release or escape from mental health facilities.
  • A victim has the right to have the victim's safety considered in determining release from custody of a person accused of committing a crime against the person.
  • A victim has the right to information, upon request, about the disposition of the criminal case involving the victim or the conviction, sentence, and release of a person accused of committing a crime against the victim.
  • A victim has the right to be heard at any proceeding involving a sentence or post-conviction release decision.  A victim's right to be heard may be exercised, at the victim's discretion, through an oral or written statement, or submission of a statement through audiotape or videotape.
  • A victim has the right to make a written or oral statement for use in preparation of the pre-sentence report.  The victim also has the right to read pre-sentence reports relating to the crime committed against the victim in order that the victim can respond to the pre-sentence report.
  • A victim has a right to confer with a representative of the prosecuting attorney's office after a crime allegedly committed against the victim has been charged; before the trial of a crime allegedly committed against the victim; and before any disposition of a criminal case involving the victim.

Resources for Victims:

  • Crisis Connection – 24 Hour Hotline: 1-800-245-4580