Stakeholder engagement is essential, and FSSA is committed to co-designing an Indiana Pathways for Aging program that is right for older Hoosiers. The state is engaging national experts, providers, members and caregiver communities to ensure a diverse range of voices is represented.
- Recipients and families
- Caregivers
- Nursing homes
- Assisted living facilities
- Home-based providers
- Health care providers
- Area Agencies on Aging
- Advocates
- Experts in the needs and wellness of older adults
- Health coalitions (Indiana Minority Health Coalition, Faith-based groups)
The information on this website does not apply to long-term services and supports for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities under age 60. To learn more about LTSS services available through the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services, please visit
The Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning would like to invite you to join an informational webinar on the PathWays for Aging program on Thursday, September 12 at 9 a.m. ET. During the presentation, OMPP staff will provide a post-implementation update of the PathWays program which launched on July 1, 2024.
Click here to learn more
- FSSA Updates its Waiver Invitation Process (February 12, 2025)
- Health & Wellness, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Pathways for Aging Public Comment Webinar
- PathWays Claims Testing Provider List
- Pathways Stakeholder Update (September 12, 2024)
- Incident and Follow Up Reporting Tool Training for PathWays
- Pathways Stakeholder Update (June 7, 2024)
- Pathways Authorizations Provider Webinar (June 5, 2024)
- Care Planning: Service and Care Coordination (May 21, 2024)
- MCE Joint Presentation LTSS Claims Testing (May 15, 2024)
- MCE Joint Presentation: Provider Test Claims Training (4/29/24)
- PathWays Stakeholder Update (4/18/24)
- All MCE Joint Presentation Provider Claims Training (4/16/24)
- Member Education (4/4/24)
- AAA Meeting – Member Enrollment Training (3/8/24)
- PathWays Provider webinar: Member enrollment (2/13/24)
- MCE contracting webinar (12/19/23)
- PathWays provider communication update webinar (10/30/23)
- Waiver transition - November virtual feedback sessions (Nov. 2, 2022)
- Managed Long-Term Services and Supports 101 (Nov. 2, 2021)
Older Hoosier and Caregiver Advisory Group
The Older Hoosier and Caregiver Advisory Group will provide valuable feedback and recommendations on how to effectively engage older Hoosiers and caregivers and to ensure that the voices of older Hoosiers and their caregivers are heard. Click to read more about this group.
RFI Codesign Meetings
These meetings were held with stakeholders who volunteered to participate from January-June 2021 preceding the FSSA’s release of a mLTSS Request for Information. A series of topics areas were presented with program recommendations. Click here to learn more.
RFI Codesign Meetings 2.0
FSSA re-engaged stakeholders on mLTSS design topics following the mLTSS request for information. These discussions include key design elements as well as topics stakeholders have indicated are important to them. Discussions began in fall 2021 and are currently scheduled to continue through winter 2022. These decisions and recommendations are also reflected in the decision log. Click here to learn more.
RFI Codesign Meetings 3.0
FSSA continues engagement about MLTSS design with a focus on excerpts of the MLTSS Scope of Work, how stakeholder feedback has been addressed, and what stakeholders can expect regarding readiness and implementation. Click here to learn more.
RFI Codesign Meetings 4.0
FSSA continues engagement regarding MLTSS readiness and implementation. Click here to learn more.
Lunch and Learns
FSSA began hosting Lunch and Learns in March 2021 and has continued to host discussions monthly. Stakeholders and FSSA team members present on topics important to the wide range of services and supports available to older Hoosiers and their caregivers. Click here to learn more.
Medicaid Finance Workgroup
FSSA created the Medicaid Finance Workgroup to engage stakeholders in strategically transitioning out of current fee-for-service LTSS reimbursement structures and foster alignment across incentive and payment structure. Stakeholder meetings began in February 2021 and then divided into 4 more specific workgroups: Nursing Facility Base Rates, Nursing Facility Supplemental Payments (Upper Payment Limit), Nursing Facility Quality & Value Based Purchasing, and Home Health and HCBS Base Rates. Click here to learn more.