HCBS Provider Frequently Asked Questions
The purpose for this FAQ is to inform HCBS providers with relevant information related to the Indiana PathWays for Aging program. This information is accurate as of October 2023, and FSSA will provide updated FAQs in the future as needed.
Eligibility, Enrollment, and Plan Selection
- Who is eligible for the Indiana PathWays for Aging program?
- When does PathWays for Aging start?
- When will individuals be notified about the transition to Indiana PathWays for Aging?
- When will the MCEs begin reaching out to clients?
- How will plan information be available to future PathWays for Aging members?
- Where can I, as a provider, go to educate myself about each PathWays MCE?
- How will FSSA be involved in outreach to individuals? Will MCEs be allowed to directly outreach to individuals?
- What if a client doesn't choose a plan? How long do they have to choose? How will clients be assisted to choose an MCE?
- What role do providers have in members selecting a health plan (MCE)?
- Will individuals be able to change their MCEs?
- Will the MCEs offer different benefits to their members? How will individuals know which MCE to choose?
- If a person has a current dedicated case manager, will they sign-up for PathWays through them?
- How will enrollment work for clients not currently in a waiver, but may be eligible for waiver services?
- Can individuals have Medicare and Medicaid at the same time? What is a Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP)?
- Where can members on dual eligible special needs plans (D-SNPs) get more information?
- Once an individual turns 60 years, will they automatically switch over to the PathWays program, or is this just an option available alongside the waiver?
- Will members under 60 years of age continue with their current providers and Service Coordinators?
- Will providers be notified who their current members choose as their MCE?
- For assessments, will providers/facilities be required to be an AR with the MCE for them to talk to them?
- How should providers check member health care coverage after PathWays go live? Will we still be able to use the IHCP portal to check eligibility?
- If I am a provider still in the process of being approved by the State should I still move forward and get contracted with the MCEs?
- What is an atypical provider and do they need an NPI to contract with MCEs?
- Will providers be assigned to an account manager after go-live?
- Once credentialed, how will we, as providers, receive clients when MCEs go live?
- We provide home modifications under the A&D Waiver. If we don’t complete a project before the switch to PathWays for Aging will we loss the project? With that, will we bill the same way we do currently if the project is completed after the switch?
- If an active waiver client case managed by a AAA has an upcoming 60th birthday, what will the process look like to transition them to Pathways? At what point prior to their 60th birthday do they need to begin the process?
- When will members get their service plans reassessed
- Which days of the week and timeframes will Maximum make outreach phone calls?
- How does this affect, if at all, their primary Medicare insurance, either Traditional Medicare or Managed Care?
Service Plans/Processes
- Will MCEs require Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)?
- Will providers receive access to the care plans for their clients? Will providers have to sign off on the care plan?
- Will clients continue to use the same Indiana Medicaid ID number with your company?
- Does FSSA anticipate a cut in attendant care hours?
- What is going to happen with the Integrated Health Care Coordination (IHCC) service for waiver recipients in assisted living facilities?
- How will MCEs notify providers that a client called with an issue?
- Will there by copayments for members?
- Can family members serve as paid caregivers?
- Will there be spend downs?
- Will the quarterly visit change for the Structured Family Caregiving (SFC) provider since Service Coordinators will also be visiting quarterly?
- What type of workforce development support will MCEs offer? How can providers be involved?
- Will new home assessments/Authorization be completed at the start of this new plan?
- How will providers receive notice if a member is deceased, moved to nursing care, or in the hospital?
- Will billing for Medicare claims for dually eligible members be handled differently under the PathWays program?
- Are there any extra considerations/barriers providers should know for patients who are aligned to + receiving extra care management/coordination services through Traditional Medicare ACOs? Sounds like similar roles helping patient in both ACO and PathWays.
- Will there be dual-eligible patients that are not in PathWays?
- Will PathWays MCEs deduct the full amount of patient liability from the first claim for a month?
- Do changes in patient liability require claims to be re-processed?
- When a claim is denied, can a provider correct and resubmit the claim right away?
- Will PathWays MCEs honor clearinghouse documentation of a provider meeting the timely filing requirement during an appeal when the clearinghouse received the claim within timely filing but did not transmit it to the MCE within timely filing limits?
- Will PathWays MCEs reject claims if the entity name on the claim is different than the entity name on the Provider Agreement between the provider and the MCE?
- Can providers check the status of a claim submission with PathWays MCEs?
- If a provider already contracts with a PathWays MCE for other IHCP programs and receives payment via electronic funds transfer (EFT), does the provider need to re-enroll in EFT for PathWays payments? Do providers need to set up EFT with both the Medicaid PathWays MCE and the aligned Medicare D-SNP? Can an entity have more than one bank set up to receive EFT payments?
- Can the MCE make EFT payments using the NPI instead of the tax ID since many SNFs share a tax ID with county hospitals?
- Do FQHC providers still use HCPCS encounter code T1015?
- Can providers put in a date range on claims, or do they enter each date
- If a provider does not use a PathWays MCE’s provider portal for claims submission, can the provider still use the MCE’s provider portal to monitor claims status?
- Can a non-network provider access a PathWays MCE’s provider portal?
- Will the authorization process be the same as when we get an authorization for managed Medicare?
- Can providers submit claims after the timely filing limit when circumstances beyond their control prevent timely filing?
- What is the contact information for each PathWays MCE?
- How do providers build relationships with the three MCEs to share what services they provide?
- What if a provider doesn’t contract with an MCE within 2 years of PathWays live?
- How will FSSA ensure the process of billing and paying providers follows the PathWays scope of work?
- How long does an appeal process take for billing denial?
- Will any/all of these MCEs be able to receive billing claims through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)?
- Will there be a deadline for providers contracting with MCEs?
- Will FSSA implement performance pay by outcomes (e.g. reduced hospitalization, or improved outcomes)?
- What provider training will be offered by the MCEs?
- Will provider contracts be different than what they currently have with FSSA?
- Will MCEs be required to contract with small providers as well?
- Will all three health plans do trial periods with billing before go-live?
- When does FSSA anticipate allowing the MCEs to contact the providers? Do the MCEs have the providers contact info?
- Are all the MCEs statewide?
- How will rates for Medicaid, and specifically Structured Family Care be determined?
- Will providers have to work with service coordinators from AAAs and MCEs? Or do providers work with just the service coordinators they’re used to working with today?
- How is FSSA working with each MCE to develop claims portal operations?
- What is a benefit of contracting with all three MCEs?
- Will the state and health plans have different reimbursement rates?
- Right now, a client gets two bids for a home modification and then chooses a provider. How will home modifications work if it goes through an MCE?
- Will pest control providers have to contract with each MCE?
- Do Waiver Providers need an NPI to participate in PathWays and submit claims?
- Do Waiver Providers need to include Ordering Referring Physician (ORP) on claims?
- Will A&D Waiver claims require a specific diagnosis code?
- What is an atypical provider and do they need an NPI to contract with MCEs?
- How will providers submit claims for PathWays enrollees?
- Where will providers submit claims for PathWays enrollees?
- What are the PathWays MCEs’ Payor IDs?
- Will PathWays MCEs receive Medicare Crossover Claims from the Medicare Administrative Contractor to facilitate Medicaid payment of deductibles and coinsurance as is the case in fee-for-service?
- How long do the PathWays MCEs have to update rates issued by FSSA?
- Is occurrence code 42 and discharge date required on the claim when a patient discharges?
- Can an Assisted Living Facility bill for a whole month on the 2nd of that month?
- If a Medicaid eligible person elected Hospice prior to 7/1/2024 and chooses to receive their Medicaid benefits through Traditional Medicaid/FFS, and then after 7/1/2024 has a hospital stay that forces them to revoke their Hospice, and then they re-elect once the hospital stay is over, are they then required to enroll in a PathWays MCE?
- In the PathWays program, how will providers bill QMB for full dual eligible members’ Medicare Parts A and B cost sharing? Will it be handled the way it is now or will providers need to bill QMB for Parts A and B cost sharing to a member’s Pathway MCE? Will Medicare automatically crossover bill QMB for PathWays members or will providers need to submit bills for Parts A and B deductibles, copays and coinsurances to QMB separately after Medicare pays claims?
- Will there be a change in the IHCP Portal to allow providers to verify future PathWays MCE enrollment dates? Currently the IHCP Portal does not allow search for future dates.
- When non-aligned D-SNPs go away at the end of 2024, how will people be informed of the need to select a new option for their Medicare coverage?
- How does an individual move through the process when approved for waiver services? And how long is someone typically on the waitlist? And is the process different for and individual seeking Assisted Living waiver services?
Other Services/Service Change Questions
- Who will providers bill (claims) for under age 60 Medicaid clients?
- Will SSBG/Choice processes stay the same?
- How will MCEs address network adequacy? Will MCEs help support transportation in rural areas?
- Will the MCEs offer medical alert systems to their clients?
- How much does the MCE get paid per insured member?
- How can Medicare-only providers get reimbursed by PathWays MCEs for deductible and coinsurance amounts for services to dual eligibles?
- Is there a timeliness requirement for PathWays MCEs to process claims?
- Does patient liability reported to a provider need to be included on a claim?
- Will PathWays MCEs deduct the full amount of patient liability from the first claim for a month?
- Is a provider’s tax ID (TIN) required on a PathWays claim?
- Is the NOA number (future prior authorization) required to be submitted with a claim?
- What values will PathWays MCEs accept on a claim for Type of Bill?
- Can claims be sent to MCEs from Sandata?
- Can a provider use a third-party billing company for some billing services, but bill other services in-house for the PathWays program?
- How do providers bill for integrated health care coordination?
- How do PathWays MCEs define a “clean claim”?
- Is there a uniform billing format used by all PathWays MCEs?
- Is there a uniform Remittance Advice format used by the PathWays MCEs?
- How does PathWays enrollment affect, if at all, a person’s primary Medicare insurance, either Traditional Medicare or Managed Care?
- Can a PathWays enrollee have separate health plans for their Medicaid and Medicare benefits?
- Will there be dual-eligible patients that are not in PathWays?
- Do all Medicaid eligible people over age 60 enroll in a PathWays MCE?
- When will the Enrollment Broker, Maximus, make outreach phone calls?
- Are some of the PathWays enrollees Medicaid only?
- When will service plans be reassessed for members receiving HCBS waiver services?
- If I am a provider still in the process of being approved by IHCP should I still move forward and get contracted with the MCEs?
- What providers are designated as having a qualified Ventilator program and able to receive the Addon?
- How should providers check member health care coverage after PathWays go live? Will we still be able to use the IHCP portal to check eligibility?
- Are some of the PathWays enrollees Medicaid only?
- Do all Medicaid eligible people over age 60 enroll in a PathWays MCE?
AAA and Case Manager Questions
- Can the member keep their current AAA service coordinator?
- What will the role of the Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) be in the enrollment process?
- How will the AAAs fit into the new MCE model? Will the MCEs utilize a pick list similar to how CICOA currently does?
- If an active waiver client case managed by a AAA has an upcoming 60th birthday, what will the process look like to transition them to Pathways? At what point prior to their 60th birthday do they need to begin the process?
- If a Medicaid eligible turns 60 in the middle of a month, when will they move from Fee-for-Service to PathWays enrollment?
- How should providers manage a situation where a patient’s name for their Medicare benefits does not match their name for their Medicaid benefits?
- When will the final version of the revised MCE contracts be available?
- How will providers know when patient liability and waiver liability obligations have been met by a PathWays enrollee?
- How will providers know when patient liability and waiver liability obligations have been met by a PathWays enrollee?
- When do I use the IHCP Portal and when do I use the MCEs’ Provider Portals?
- Is there a specific order that procedure code/modifier combinations must be billed on a claim?
- When FSSA releases retroactive rate adjustments, and if the PathWays MCEs load them after their effective date, what is the process for adjusting these claims to capture the new effective rate for the date of service?
- Is it required in PathWays to submit a claim note with the caregiver’s name and relationship to the member when billing for A&D Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Structured Family Caregiving or Attendant Care services?
- Can an HCBS claim span months?
- For assessments, will providers/facilities be required to be an Authorized Representative with the MCE for them to talk to them?
- Once credentialed, how will providers receive clients when MCEs go live?
- Will all three plans do trial periods with billing before go-live?
- Is a prior authorization required for long term care room and board claims?
- Is the Notice of Action (NOA) number (which in the future will be a prior authorization) required to be submitted with a claim?
Hospital Questions
- What if a hospital contracts with a Medicare Advantage plan that has dual eligible enrollees? Does the hospital have to terminate their contract with the Medicare Advantage plan and only contact with one of the three PathWays plans to serve the dual eligible population?
- What if a hospital did not receive or did not sign the amendments?
- What does this program mean to a hospital? What services is a hospital contracting for?
- Will HAF payments still be paid on these hospital services?