Program Go-Live
- What is Indiana PathWays for Aging?
- When does PathWays start?
- Will I get something in the mail?
- What do I need to do now?
- My doctor isn’t in my health plan; can I still use them?
- My case manager isn’t in my health plan; can I still use them?
- What if I already have a service plan? Will a new service plan be made for me?
- What if I already have Medicaid services that have already been authorized?
- I am 59 years old, what should I expect?
- Can a Medicaid eligible person enroll in PACE between February 2024 (when enrollment for PathWays begins) and July 2024?
General Program
- What is Indiana PathWays for Aging?
- What is health plan?
- What does a health plan do?
- Who are the PathWays health plans?
- What is a Care Coordinator?
- What is a Service Coordinator?
- What is a health assessment?
- What is a service plan?
- I received mail that I do not understand. Who can help me with this?
- When can an individual change their MCE?
- What additional services and supports are available in the PathWays program?
- How do I find a PathWays provider?
- I am a caregiver for a PathWays member, how can I get assistance finding resources?
- When is the health plan selection period for PathWays?
- Who do I call during open enrollment to change my PathWays health plan?
- What is the Member Support Services program?
- What is the difference between the PACE and PathWays program?
- What will happen to PACE members when PathWays launches?
- Is it possible for someone to enroll in PACE during the interim period between February 2024 (when enrollment for PathWays begins) and July 2024 (when services start)?
- If a person enrolls in PACE during the interim period but chooses to remain with PACE instead of moving to PathWays, how will this be facilitated?
- Apart from age groups, what distinguishes PathWays from PACE?
- When will members get their service plans reassessed?
- Which days of the week and timeframes will Maximum make outreach phone calls?
- How does this affect, if at all, their primary Medicare insurance, either Traditional Medicare or Managed Care?
- Can they have two separate insurances between their primary and secondary, or do they need to be the same? For example, can they have UHC Managed Medicare and Anthem Medicaid?
- Will the member see a change in how their Part B is being paid and co-pays/deductibles that are being paid by Medicaid?
- What if a client doesn't choose a plan? How long do they have to choose? How will clients be assisted to choose an MCE?
- How does PathWays enrollment affect, if at all, a person’s primary Medicare insurance, either Traditional Medicare or Managed Care?
- Can a PathWays enrollee have separate health plans for their Medicaid and Medicare benefits?
- Will there be dual-eligible patients that are not in PathWays?
- Who can be in PathWays?
- How do I know if I am enrolled in PathWays?
- Do I still need to renew my coverage; how do I do that?
- How long am I eligible for PathWays?
- Where do you apply for PathWays?
- Are there income and asset limits for the PathWays?
- What is Functional Eligibility?
- Do I have the option to opt-in to the PathWays program?
- Are some of the PathWays enrollees Medicaid only?
- Can a Medicaid eligible person enroll in PACE between February 2024 (when enrollment for PathWays begins) and July 2024 (when PathWays services start)?
- If a person enrolls in PACE during the interim period and chooses to remain with PACE and not move to PathWays, how will this be facilitated?
Health Plans
- Why are there different health plans?
- How do I choose a health plan?
- Can I have the same health plan for Medicare and Medicaid?
- What if my current provider does not work with my PathWays health plan?
- How do I find out if a provider participates with my PathWays health plan?
- My doctor isn’t in my health plan; can I still use them?
- My service coordinator isn’t in my health plan; can I still use them?
- How do I arrange transportation with my health plan?
Coverage and Benefits
- What is covered by the Indiana PathWays for Aging program?
- Will my Medicaid benefits change in PathWays?
- What are added benefits?
- What are home and community-based services?
- I want to stay in my home, but I do need some help. What are my options?
- I think I need to go to a nursing home, what do I do?
- Are there copayments in PathWays?
- Will I have transportation in PathWays?
- What additional services and supports are available in the PathWays program?
- When will the Enrollment Broker, Maximus, make outreach phone calls?
- How does PathWays work with my Medicare plan?
- Can I have Medicare and Medicaid at the same time?
- What is a Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP)?
- Where can I get more information on D-SNPs?
- Will there be dual-eligible patients that are not in PathWays?
- For PathWays members residing in nursing facilities, is their provider their primary care physician or the nursing home? Does this vary if the member is dually eligible?
- If a dual eligible individual loses their Medicaid eligibility for any reason such as the current redetermination process, will they lose their Medicare covered services as well?
- Are some of the PathWays enrollees Medicaid only?
- Do all Medicaid eligible people over age 60 enroll in a PathWays MCE?
General D-SNP Information
- What does Dual Eligible mean?
- What is a Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan or D-SNP?
- What is Medicare?
- What is Medicaid?
- What is Medicare Advantage?
- What does Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) program mean?
- How does an individual qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid?
- What is a coordinated benefit?
- Where can I get more information on D-SNPs?
- For PathWays members residing in nursing facilities, is their provider their primary care physician or the nursing home? Does this vary if the member is dually eligible?
- How are hospice services covered for Medicare Advantage or D-SNP members?
D-SNP Enrollment
- How does D-SNP enrollment work?
- Why should I enroll in a D-SNP plan?
- When can an individual enroll in a D-SNP?
- What happens when a D-SNP member loses Medicaid eligibility?
- How often can an individual change a D-SNP?
- Can a member have the same health plan for Medicare and Medicaid?
- When is the health plan selection period for PathWays?
- Do I have to enroll in a D-SNP plan?
- What are the reasons an individual can change health plans in Pathways?
- If an individual is dual eligible and enrolled in a DSNP- will they get their DNSP "extra benefits"- like the money for bills, food, etc. in additional to their Pathways extra benefits that are similar in nature?
Aligned Medicaid and Medicare Health Plan Enrollment
- What is exclusively aligned enrollment?
- Will a PathWays member be automatically enrolled into an exclusively aligned enrollment D-SNP?
- Will individuals who live in an unincorporated or rural area be able to enroll in an exclusively aligned D-SNP?
- Is there a Medicare Advantage plan that is specialized for dually eligible members?
- Can a member be disenrolled from their D-SNP if they become ineligible for full Medicaid or QMB?
- Will Dual members be forced to take a Medicare Advantage Plan, instead of just original Medicare and Medicaid?
- When aligning the Medicaid health plan, will that also affect the Medicare health plan? Can a member remain traditional Medicare?
- How does PathWays work with the Medicare health plan?
- How will members who are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan be enrolled in PathWays?
- When an individual under 60 is on the appropriate D-SNP health plan from their company, what happens when they turn 60 years old?
- Will a participant be required to choose a Medicare Advantage plan if they are a PathWays member? Does this change if a member is in a nursing facility?
- Will dually eligible PathWays members be required to enroll in Medicare Advantage plan sponsored by one of the 3 MCES?
- Can a dual eligible PathWays member choose to use their Medicare Advantage transportation provider instead of their PathWays MCE's transportation provider?
- Will fee-for-service Medicare be available to PathWays members or will members be required to enroll in Medicare Advantage plan in order to be aligned?
Medicaid and Medicare Care Coordination
- How does PathWays work with Medicare health plans?
- Will a D-SNP help coordinate or manage the treatment a member receives for multiple related illnesses from several different medical specialists?
- Will a D-SNP resolve issues with a member’s home healthcare providers such as home health nurses cancelling home visits at the last minute or other issues?
- Who determines the care a patient needs? Who does the interview with the patient to decide what care they need?
- Will the PathWays program be responsible for managing benefits through the Medicare Savings Program?
- Will members receive a different card that needs to be presented to doctors to show their Medicaid coverage instead of their Medicaid card?
- Will a member’s enrollment in PathWays impact Part D Extra Help?
- If someone is on fee-for-service Medicare, will they get the coordination of benefits?
- If a nursing home resident has Medicare with a supplement, is it necessary to keep the supplement or should the supplement be cancelled as of July 1?