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Provider Addresses Used by the IHCP

The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) maintains four unique addresses for each enrolled billing or group provider:

  • Service location address
  • Legal (home office/owner) address
  • Mail-to address
  • Pay-to address

With this flexibility, a provider may specify a different, or the same, address for different business situations.

Because four different address options exist, providers may be confused about what type of IHCP mail goes to each address. The following information will help alleviate confusion with regard to IHCP mailing addresses.

Provider Addresses Used by the IHCP

Type of mailIs mailed to...
Check (reimbursement) Pay-to address
General correspondence Mail-to address
Administrative fee listing Mail-to address
Member enrollment roster Pay-to address
1099 form/Internal Revenue Service (IRS) information Legal (home office/owner) address

Please note that the IHCP uses the group's address if the communication relates to a practitioner who is a rendering provider with a group; the IHCP uses the individual practitioner's address if the communication relates to a practitioner who is a sole proprietor.

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