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The Majority of Our Population Will Return to Their Communities - A Successful Re-Entry Begins at Intake

Upon arrival at one of Indiana's correctional facilities, an Incarcerated Individuals meets with Unit Team Staff staff to begin building their Case Plan. The Case Management process prepares an incarcerated individual for the best quality of life while serving his/her sentence along with preparing them for life after incarceration. This process utilizes evidence-based principles combining assessments with a multi-disciplinary approach to reduce criminal thinking and behaviors. This approach provides incarcerated individuals with the necessary skills to succeed in serving their sentence and in their return to the community. The Case Plan is developed from the results of the Indiana Risk Assessment System (IRAS), which is based on the following criminogenic risk domains:

  • Criminal History
  • School & Employment
  • Family & Social Support
  • Substance Abuse & Mental Health
  • Criminal Lifestyle
  • Case Plan Credit Time

    Case Plan Credit Time, or CPCT, is a change in how educational and programming credits are awarded to the incarcerated population.

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  • Programs & Services

    Not all incarcerated individuals qualify or are appropriate for every program, individuals should work with their assigned case manager to see which programs they are eligible for.

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Encouraging Counties to Develop a Coordinated Local Criminal Justice System

Community Corrections is a community-based supervision agency used for the primary purpose of providing sentencing alternatives for felony offenders in lieu of incarceration. In addition to diversion, Community Corrections serves an important role in rehabilitation through transitional programming and as an intermediate sanction for Parole, Probation, Courts, and other community-based supervision or programs. Community Corrections serves 3 critical roles in the criminal justice system:

  • Sentence Alternative: Community Corrections is a community-based supervision that serves as a sentencing or placement alternative to incarceration, while allowing restricted privileges to access the community while providing evidence-based interventions to establish long-term behavior change.
  • Intermediate Sanction: As an important element of best practices, Community Corrections serves as an intermediate sanction for Parole, Probation, Courts, and other community-based supervision or programs. The Levels of Supervision within a Community Corrections agency are often the basis for a graduated sanction process by phasing into more restrictive Levels of Supervision in lieu of a revocation, jail, or return to prison.
  • Re-Entry & Transitional Services: Community Corrections is also able to contract with the Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) in order to provide re-entry services for IDOC’s Work Release program and the Community Transition Program.
  • Community Corrections

    Community Corrections and Community Supervision programs provide opportunities for participants while also improving their chances of long-term success by developing prosocial behavioral habits, learning to participate within health family relationships, and by restoring their place within society.

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  • Community Corrections Grants

    The Department's Community Corrections Division provides state aid through the Community Corrections and Justice Reinvestment Funding as an annual grant under IC 11-12.

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Additional Community Corrections Supervision Programs

The Community Corrections Division is a unit under the Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) Re-Entry and Youth Services Division. The division provides state aid through the Community Corrections and Justice Reinvestment Funding as an annual grant under IC 11-12 and administers the Community Transition Program.

  • Community Transition Program

    Balancing re-entry planning against maintaining an appropriate level of supervision necessary to maintain public safety to transition offenders from incarceration to the community.

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  • Court Recidivism Reduction Programs

    Providing an immediate and highly structured judicial intervention for high needs offenders who could not be adequately addressed in a traditional court setting.

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  • Pretrial Services

    The goals of pretrial supervision are to maximize the release of pretrial defendants while maximize public safety and court appearance.

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  • Probation

    Providing training and technical assistance to probation departments and oversees the certification requirements for probation officers on behalf of the Judicial Conference of Indiana.

    Visit Indiana Judicial Branch
  • Prosecutor’s Division

    Outlining procedures allowing eligible individuals to avoid traditional criminal prosecution through alternative programs.

    View Procedures
  • CC Residential Centers

    Providing supervised housing and rehabilitative services aimed at facilitating the successful reintegration of individuals into society.

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Advocating For a Skilled and Ready Workforce Upon Release

We recognize that many incarcerated individuals will be released into the community. Released citizens will be on parole, probation, or discharged. To increase potential for successful community reintegration, it is necessary that returning citizens be provided quality programming and resources both post and pre-release.

  • Hoosier Initiative for Re-Entry

    Supporting formerly incarcerated individuals by providing employment resources, skills training, and community reintegration support.

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  • Indiana Connect

    Taking the state's workforce to the next level with a focus on the high-priority industries and high-demand jobs driving Indian's 21st Century economy forward.

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