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Business Outreach

Changing Hoosier Lives One Job At A Time!
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HIRE provides loyal and highly qualified candidates to Indiana Businesses

In Indiana, the average cost to incarcerate one offender for one year is around $20,000 and more than 20,000 felons are released from Indiana facilities and judicial systems annually. Most of these individuals are eager to get a job and lead a productive life; however, some Hoosier employers are historically reluctant to hire clients with a criminal history.

The Hoosier Initiative for Re-Entry (HIRE) program was created in 2012 to help people with past involvement with the legal system reintegrate into society and to create career paths to give them the opportunities to improve their lives in a sustainable way through work. HIRE is working to help prevent adult incarceration by focusing on placing clients who have completed certification training in facility and current Parole clients into employment that will give them a livable wage and career path for success.

The HIRE program also established a presence in IDOC juvenile facilities to help reduce juvenile recidivism.

Business Consultation
HIRE focuses on providing Hoosiers with full time, benefitted positions, earning livable wages. In addition, HIRE creates a pipeline of skilled workers to help Indiana businesses fill their employment needs.

The HIRE program works with employers to understand their business needs and to determine the knowledge, skills, abilities, and aptitude that will make an employee successful in their organization. HIRE participants are placed in several diverse types of industries based on their skills and interests. The top industries for placement are production, restaurant, warehouse, and construction. Employers that participate in the HIRE program may be eligible for Federal Bonding, which is a theft insurance program, and the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) of up to $9,600 per eligible employee. If needed, the HIRE Coordinator can help walk employers through the paperwork process.

Hiring a client with a criminal history is also a win for the employer. Employed ex-offenders are some of the most dedicated and productive employees. HIRE clients are dependable and punctual, and the turnover rate is typically low because they are loyal to those who have given them a second chance.

In 2018, HIRE received the NASWA State Excellence Award for having the best model for a successful State Workforce Program.

HIRE gets to know each candidate beyond just their resume. We find out the skills and qualities that will achieve success for your organization. Qualifying candidates go through a screening process for motivation, behavioral skills, and workplace aptitude.

HIRE’s commitment to the business and the client do not end at a successful placement. We will provide follow-up at key intervals to ensure that each placement achieves the maximum success. Key performance metric include Customer Satisfaction, Employee Retention, and Employee Performance.

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