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The event on June 20, 2016 at Deer Creek Bicentennial Park near Delphi will dedicate a bison sculpture, one example in the Bisontennial Art Project’s statewide effort to honor Indiana’s 200th birthday. The celebration will start with the Winter Hawk drummers, a Native American group from near South Bend. Following this will be a reading from a pioneer woman’s written account of the wilderness in 1826 and her family’s labor in creating a farmstead. Event participants will continue with singing and storytelling. The bison sculpture will remain in the park for years to come—a reminder of the past Indiana wilderness and its prehistoric inhabitants. See the park’s website at
What do you consider the key accomplishments of your Legacy Project?
Describe a highlight or most memorable moment related to your Legacy Project.
How/where are you preserving information and artifacts related to your Legacy Project?
Total number of volunteers who participated.
Estimated total attendance.
Estimated dollar amount raised.
Estimated dollar amount spent.