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A special scholarship will be created and funded this year for a Benton Central graduate who will be named a Bicentennial Scholar. Chapter meeting on September 19 will feature Doyne Carson’s program called “Quirky Hoosiers.” Chapter meeting on October 17 will feature “What’s So Special about Benton County,” by Mary Gardner. Tri Kappa maintains an Adopt-a-Spot at the Fowler Park, and this year it will feature state-colored flowers of blue and yellow. Part of Fowler’s Christmas celebration is a wishing chimney for young children and this year’s prizes will feature Indiana and bicentennial artifacts.
What do you consider the key accomplishment of your Legacy Project?
Members of our local chapter designated a Bicentennial Scholar in the graduating
class, they planted blue and yellow flowers in their adopt-a-spot, they had programs
featuring local history.
Total number of volunteers who participated.
Estimated total attendance.