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The Schools of Franklin County, Indiana is a comprehensive listing of all of the known schools in our county, and the companion volume, The Teachers of Franklin County, Indiana 1800s - 1972, honors local educators who taught in the early one-room schools, the small community schools and those who taught at the onset of local school consolidation. The schools booklet lists the name of a school, where the school was allocated, its district number, what is was constructed of, if it still stands and a photo accompanies the information if one was available. The teacher’s book lists alphabetically all of the recorded educators from the 1800s to 1972, where they taught, the years, and includes more than 600 photos of people’s pedagogue ancestors. The two-volume set not only acknowledges and documents a part of Indiana’s history that is quickly disappearing, it enlightens Hoosiers on exactly how prevalent and important these institutions were.