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Return to the heart of any home, the kitchen in Gene Stratton-Porter’s Cabin at Wildflower Woods. Gene’s pride and joy has been painstakingly restored to her detailed description, Indiana’s best-selling female author took pride in her home and opened her kitchen to area homemakers to share her cutting edge designs with them. She firmly believed that you should have every modern convenience to assist you in homemaking. Visitors will see Gene’s top of the line A-B Battle Creek stove, McCray ice box, porcelain sink with hot and cold running water and many other innovations for a kitchen of 1914.
What do you consider the key accomplishment(s) of your Legacy Project?
Gene Stratton-Porter wrote that she had never had so much fun as she did designing her kitchen in her Wildflower Woods Cabin in Rome City. Having a detailed description from her to follow made the restoration process easier in some ways and more
challenging in others. Restoring the kitchen is a great way to share Gene's legacy with visitors and an important part of her history.
Describe a highlight or most memorable moment related to your Legacy Project.
Total number of volunteers.