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The Town of Avon has commissioned a metal sculpture with the numbers 2 0 0 to celebrate the state’s Bicentennial and the town’s 20th anniversary. Sculpture honors Indiana artist Robert Indiana that designed many number sculptures. The sculpture is 12 feet high and 14 feet wide. The front of the sculpture says “Avon 1995-2015 and Indiana 1816-2016” A tree with a cardinal is engraved on the base between Avon and Indiana. The sculpture has been installed at Town Hall Park along the lake trail and we encouraged residents to get their picture taken with the sculpture and post it to a social media with #avon200sculpture. Resident can climb on the sculpture for the picture.
What do you consider the key accomplishment of your Legacy Project?
Describe a highlight or most memorable moment related to your Legacy Project.
How/where are you preserving information and artifacts related to your Legacy Project?