The Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site (BHPS), together with the Indiana Statehouse Tour Office and the Indiana State Library, propose a combined, free field trip initiative to serve 4th grade classes across the State of Indiana from 2014 to 2016, leading up to and in celebration of our state’s bicentennial. Our field trip will achieve 31 unique Indiana state standards and a purpose of instilling state pride via physical visitation, online interactives, and teacher/classroom support materials.
Q&A with Legacy Project Coordinator Ashleigh Graves-Roesler
What do you consider the key accomplishment of your Legacy Project?
- In Pursuit of State Pride has served more than 7,500 Indiana 4th grade students by underwriting tour and transportation for a collaborative, standards-rich field trip project. This unique field trip initiative is a partnership between the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site, the Indiana Statehouse, the Indiana State Library, and central Indiana 4th grade classrooms.
Describe a highlight or most memorable moment related to your Legacy Project.
- We absolutely loved receiving feedback from students and teachers. One our our favorite comments from a teacher summed up her classroom's experience on the field trip: “There are so many things that you just can’t get from a textbook. The students were able to have a real connection to their state through their experiences on this field trip.”
How/where are you preserving information and artifacts related to your Legacy Project?
- Documents, reports, and other information related to the project is stored at the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site, which houses over 10,000 historic artifacts related to our state and national history.
Total number of volunteers who participated.
Estimated total attendance.
Program Details
- Organization: Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site
- County: Marion
- Contact: Erin Trisler, Roger Hardig 317-631-1888
- Type: Non-profit
- Project Number: IBC-YE-2
- Website: