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This project is culturally inclusive in that sewing, making quilt blocks and quilting were daily activities performed by pioneer women in 1816. The quilt will celebrate Indiana’s Bicentennial and the year that Abraham Lincoln arrived in Indiana by focusing on the creative process of pioneer women. The Bicentennial Quilt will be made completely by hand using fabric and a design that was common in 1816. The quilt blocks and quilt will be sewn by local quilters and park volunteers who are interested in learning how to make a quilt. Quilt block pieces will be provided to area women, churches and schools. The pieces will be put together and quilted at Lincoln Boyhood Memorial and will be on display at local libraries and public buildings.
What do you consider one of the key accomplishments of your Legacy Project?
Describe a highlight or most memorable moment related to your Legacy Project.
How/where are you preserving information and artifacts related to your Legacy Project?
Total number of volunteers who participated.