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Indiana Bicentennial Celebration 2016

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Legacy Projects > 92 Counties Celebrating Indiana’s 200th Birthday: Manuscript Collection 92 Counties Celebrating Indiana’s 200th Birthday: Manuscript Collection

In 2016, each Bicentennial County Coordinator, Public Library, and Historical Societies and Clubs will be asked to submit their bicentennial records for inclusion to an Indiana Bicentennial manuscript collection within the Indiana State Library, Rare Books and Manuscripts Division. Records submitted should include correspondence, meeting minutes, reports and documentation highlighting programs, services and events occurring in their county. The collection will be processed and made available to state government branches, departments, officials, and employees, students, national and international researchers, and the general public.

The project will benefit the 2016 Indiana Bicentennial celebration by promoting the importance of preserving Indiana’s history. The Indiana State Library, Rare Books and Manuscripts Division will ensure the safety and accessibility of the collection to encourage and support research for future generations.

Q&A with Legacy Project Coordinators Connie Bruder and Bethany Fiechter

What do you consider the key accomplishment of your Legacy Project?

  • Over 10 cubic feet of Indiana’s bicentennial history will be preserved for future generations through the collective efforts of Indiana State Library staff, public libraries, historical societies, businesses, teachers, parents, students and county coordinators.

Describe a highlight or most memorable moment related to your Legacy Project.

  • The overwhelming support from fourth grade teachers around the state is unforgettable. It was a privilege to work with them in regard to our birthday card project. We are very fortunate to have such dedicated educators in our communities. 

How/where are you preserving information and artifacts related to your Legacy Project?

  • The Indiana Bicentennial Manuscript Collection (L502) is stored in our vault at the Indiana State Library. Anyone can view the collection during regular business hours. 

Total number of volunteers.

  • Key personnel were from the Indiana State Library Rare Books and Manuscripts Division, including Bethany Fiechter, Brittany Kropf, Lauren Patton and Laura Eliason.

Project Details

  • Organization: Indiana State Library
  • County: Statewide
  • Contact: Connie Bruder, Associate Director, Public Services, Interim Director
  • Type: Government
  • Project Number: IBC-HC-12
  • Website:
